
Oh you guys thought that DARPA was just funding a pet? How cute.

There is something so calming about Motorweek. It’s like watching fish with nowhere to be.

True story, two years ago took my jetta to a tire shop to have new tires put on that I provided. Went to pick up the car and was told “sorry it’s not ready yet”. They had the vehicle for a entire I waited another day, still not ready. Finally I drove by and saw it on the lift so I walked into the bay to find

Pro union or not I support this strike.  As with many other companies that make ridiculous profit and yet pay there employees pennies on the dollar I am happy to see the workers stand up to big corporations. 

Management shouldn’t be hired externally. If a company actually values their workers, they’ll train them up from the lower levels to allow them to move into management roles.

1st Gear: Tell them to add right to repair to their list of demands.

Sometimes I think about giving up on this site, then Torch posts a taillight article and all is good again. This is the hard hitting journalism other websites are too scared to post 😄

The statement is that they’ll lose jobs if they transition too slowly to EVs. Presumably the argument is based on the expectation that they’d lose revenue as other automakers overtook them. Doesn’t seem unreasonable even if the 30k figure is complete BS.

A better year to check is 2009—2008: 500k F150s sold (1st place), 2009: 280k (3rd place—lost to Accord and Camry)

my dad writes your paycheck.

GM actually does get off that easily.

A million times this. I wish I could give you more stars.  I really wonder if Elon knew what he was getting into by picking Germany.

Erik just puts “because capitalism” at the end of some sentence in every article he writes. I don’t think he’s even aware of it at this point, it’s like breathing.

You witnessed an accident and left the scene?
Is that okay in New York? It isn’t in Virginia.
You may not be a first-responder, but you could be the first to call 911.
You are a terrible person, Erik Shilling.

If all the car makers go subscription, then I want my Taco Bell ‘batin channel! And I’ll deserve it too with my University of Wal Mart diploma!

Sure, but going into a country with a long history of a strong automotive union and expecting to just skirt around it is a bit brazen at the least.

Sell a man a vehicle and you have a customer for day.

new digital (subscription) services

GM said that it wanted to double revenue by 2030, largely through new digital (subscription) services

RE Neutral: