
The Automotive Gravitas Design group cheerfully welcomes Lexus to the fold. Our philosophy: when you letterspace capital letters on the vehicle centerline, Gravitas is yours!

I’m irrationally excited about these. Ever since I traded in my CTS V-Sport, I regretted it. It was a great car, and I just... ugh... I really screwed the pooch there.

Yep.  It will be another Tesla-like cult car.

90% of the things the stock market does should be illegal. It is an overcomplicated web that aims to block access, and set up to only benefit a few.

Hell, Vulture capitalism is totally legal- you can buy a company with money you don’t have, sell off its assets, load it up with debt and then sell it for a profit to someone else who doesn’t actually have the money to buy it. All it takes is a really nice suit and a knowing wink to shareholders.

Tesla sold more Model 3s than Volkswagen did last year. You can check my math, it’s true.

You should “give-a-fk”. Investing in to something when you’re in a political position is a great example of conflict of interest. If Tesla asks for something, and she votes yes, there’s no way of knowing if she honestly felt that was the right course of action, or if she’s pumping her own stock. If she helps pass

1st Gear: Side gig, nothing, this IS their business. While I personally view Musk as a clown, Tesla has gotten into the position where it gets paid to exist by its competition.

I expect there will be a rebound on pretty much... everything. A year and a half of ( responsible ) people not flying on planes, taking trips, driving their cars, eating out, and all other aspects of “normal” living. I am going to wager trying to buy an airline ticket is going to be damned near impossible for a few

I like how Europe is basically just pretending nuclear power doesn’t exist, despite the fact that nuclear power is the reason why they were able to overcome fossil fuels.

I can’t even begin to say how much this pisses me off. This could easily be us. We could do this. The United States is supposed to be the greatest country on earth, with the most technological knowhow and the best tech, workers and brains but when it comes to transit and energy, well gosh, that’s just too big a

I work in IT this is typical. IT will submit a request to move to a new software because license is expiring or end of life. accounting wont approve and then the day finally comes when that software is gone and NOW we get yelled at for “letting” this happen

Plenty of machines from 20 years ago have use DOS or Win95 indeed and use obscure drivers that don’t work on newer machines. Or it’s embedded and just cannot be upgraded because nobody thought about it, that it would be needed.

Then again, if a company uses systems that are deemed ‘insecure’ but they are only running

1st: Raph, There is a difference between 38 DIRECT reports as they mention and 38 DAILY reports as you interpreted. They are not saying that he is given 38 reports every day to read. What they are saying is that he has 38 employees that work directly for him (as in they “report” to him directly).

Forgot to add, so I could get desperate dreamers to pile into my stock by the millions, making me the richest person in the world and my company more valuable than all the other automakers put together despite being barely profitable and selling less vehicles worldwide than Ford sells F-150s in the US alone.

n FYI, Facebook 100% restricts prices on cars if you label it too high or too low.

Yeeeaaa, but *insert Tesla stan talking point, generic GM putdown, or something about the Menlo or EV1 here* /s

if Tesla ever made a small electric car that costs $20,000 I would buy it in an instant.

Maintaining DS as a separate brand seems more expensive than just merging it back into Citroen.