
“This is all, of course, to keep the factories running so GM’s motive isn’t exactly altruistic but vaccinating early and often is good.”

I don’t know the intricacies of labor law in South Korea, but if I were GM I would just accede to the demands, GM makes billions of dollars a year, who really cares.”

That only works if the person facing mandatory retirement can afford to retire.

Actually, the more modern way to serve turkey is raw. You figure sushi is so good, surely raw turkey meat would also be excellent.

LOL... We had that roof piece fall off and ended up paying to have it replaced. They claimed they’d never seen it happen before.

I don’t really get Raph’s point? I guess I can make the same claim about him: “Raph isn’t in business to help the environment. He is a consumer and worker that reaps the rewards of raping the environment and plundering its materials just so he can enrich and entertain himself. He continues to live a life style that

Okay, so first of all, this problem is pretty much exclusive to early Leafs. As I explained, they didn’t manage heat well and the batteries degrade from that. Most new EVs have a temperature management system that keeps things cool while charging or driving hard. Those batteries will last much longer and won’t degrade

Hi there, im your local engineer that works on aircraft air management systems.

In the overall scheme its fairly cheap for GM and will cut out the lawsuits that would likely come otherwise. It will also allow them to consolidate Cadillac locations to only those who want to do so instead of people just doing it because they have to.

It was tested and passed their very low standards. 

1) then offer a competitive price

While I always send off numbers to people who ask, I completely understand why salesmen despise doing that. You’re literally just telling the next dealer the client contacts after you how to beat your offer. They’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

...and the dealer had a different excuse before covid to not give pricing.  Same policy, new excuse for something not justifiable.

Excuse me, how much is this box of Cheerios? There was no price on the shelf.”

Now playing

GM’s first battery factory is under construction in Ohio

No one at Jalopnik (besides Tracy) really understands how long it takes to develop a vehicle, do they?

Neutral: Luxury vehicles can better absorb the costs of EVs. You simply can’t make a $28k EV Silverado that competes with the current ICE Silverado. 

And his ability to give credit where it’s due. The car is a piece of crap compared to...almost any other car. But to appreciate it for what it is, and to appreciate the bright spots at its price point is uncommon for reviewers.

One very interesting comment you made: