
I say this as a dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist: at some point, we need to get people who don’t give a shit about the environment to also buy EVs. We need to get everyone (or at least most people) driving vehicles that aren’t powered by fossil fuels if we are to have a hope of preserving at least some of the Earth’s

Raph, you need to join Erik in never again being allowed to talk about stocks.

Raph, you need to join Erik in never again being allowed to talk about stocks.

You misunderstand. Literally, just losing the wing and the fake vents would make the Civic Type R way more marketable. RWD doesn’t matter here, looking good does.

Just how fast do we need the sons of sheikhs and Russian mob bosses to slam into trees? 

Yea anything covid related coming from China needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt. Our numbers are the worst in the world but I bet China is on par they just don't report it anymore. 

It’s a very simple cost-benefit analysis. The % of people who would option a manual on a “normal” car is less than 1%. I don’t like it, but I can’t blame manufacturers for responding to demand (or lack thereof).

“Neutral: What Will Be Your Sign That We’re In The Clear For COVID?”

I think the demo for a manual overlaps with options checkers as well. One of the great points of my Chevy SS was that the manual version wasn’t gimped. It even did the self parking thing and steered while you worked the clutch and brakes. If the used market is the canary manufacturers will start pricing manuals above

My Favorite use of the “Professional driver on a closed course. Please do not attempt.” is on a Sienna commercial when the family drives out of a fog bank.  Is Toyota telling me I can’t drive out of fog.

Exactly. Special K!!

1st: Only rich people have money at the moment so it’s not surprising. K-SHAPED RECOVERY, Y’ALL.


You see,... physics are different here in the US,... so that obviously changes our safety standards,...

Time for this one again:

I’m not a Trump fan, but can the headline and article be phrased in a non-political way? I assumed this was a car site first and a political site second not a political site.

He didn’t lift the regulations that need to be lifted: the stupid 25-year import shit and the different-not-better US standards. If we signed on to the UNECE standards, the 25-year shit would be moot, and it would allow companies to make one car instead of two.

You think the vehicle pictured above would be a hit in the North American market? I have roll-aboard luggage with larger diameter wheels than this. 

Are we to the point where the US market can’t be bothered with anything less than a $100K price point? Call me crazy but I think we need less one percenter class vehicles and more of this to truly get the EV thing off the ground.

My problem with Bollinger isn’t the looks... it’s the price (starting at $125,000).