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    When my hair was still very long, the sheddings would get caught in my ass crack in the shower sometimes and somehow magically work their way into my vagina. Pulling them out is massively awkward feeling and also I got BV several times because I wasn't aware that they were there. Which is terrible.

    OH NO

    It’s def making me realize that I don’t like serif fonts as much as I thought I did

    I agree with you, although I think the fact that it’s not happening now isn’t a good sign - however, I think that’s a failing of our cultural expectation that everyone go to college, because employers have the luxury, generally, of going, “well, there’s 10 of you outside that will take this, so deal with it.”

    Did you like your own comments? That’s adorable.

    The Starbucks app is still pretty hit or miss imo. Orders don't always go through and it can slow down a store if it's during a rush.

    This is also a nonsense comment.

    This is a nonsense comment and you should be embarrassed.

    As someone who makes just above $15 an hour, I think the argument that “ermahgerd burger flippers can’t make as much as me!” is bullshit. someone else’s ability to put food on their table doesn’t make my money mean any less, it's got nothing to do with me at all. So I'm with you.

    Yeah, this. I have a super shitty tattoo on my calf that I paid $30 for to get in someone’s garage in 29 Palms, so I am not in the least surprised that it is a super shitty tattoo.

    I think there’s probably reasons why a country might not want to be completely reliant on nonrenewable resources, but I could be wrong.

    The evangelical church, by and large, teaches the gospel of Paul, which is markedly different from the gospel of Jesus and the Twelve; the most notable is that Paul taught that salvation is through faith alone and not through works (Romans 3:28: “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds

    And Santa is real, dear.

    You do know these aren't actually tweets by JKR right?

    I believe that is the case, but it’s also dependent on the pharmacist being honest - not everyone knows the law, and there’s also been issues in the past with pharmacists refusing to dispense plan B per the law or provide accurate information. for whatever reason it seems to be the career of choice for people who want

    Well, no, it's more like a pharmacist refusing to dispense birth control because it's against their religious beliefs, which is a precedent that's already been set.


    I’m a real person!

    I still have the dress I was wearing the night I was raped. It’s not at fault and clothes are expensive.

    I’m sort of having an existential crisis about my academic choices and my future and I don’t know what to do.