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White people shit.” The are shit people from across all colors. Some even write articles ;)

Stupid analysis like these is why we are gonna have Orange-Man for 2 terms. Is a complete misread of the people and they can’t even comprehend how wrong they are. Ugh.

Death Wish was forgettable lame fun.

That’s actually true. I’m probably buying every single game they announced so far to be honest. If anything, I know creators are receiving more of my money.

To clarify, I am actually excited to have more options and no longer having Valve as the sole king of PC gaming. I just don’t want to have media overly sway for either for politics, money or special interests, or that’s going to offset the benefits of such competition.

Aaaannd they still don’t get it. Like the people who doesn’t get why Trump won (hint: nothing to do with misogyny for the most part). Get it together people, or we are gonna haver another 4 years of OrangeMan vs NPC’s. And now its getting boring.

When opening I have Epic’s Fortnite advertising, 2 articles for the HADES game (Epic Store Exclusive) plus this one (Epic’s exclusives) in the initial page. Now, I don’t come to Kotaku for it’s “unbiased” content but hopefully they tune it down a bit.

At what point is your responsibility? Go the store page. Click Super Mario Party. Load page for that game. Click purchase. Details out to pay. Confirmation screen that CLEARLY tells you what game it is and even gets you to move over. Check a box before you can even buy the damn thing. She at NO POINT realized it was a

Disappointed. Nothing regarding Metroid Prime 4 or Death Stranding.

I’ve never seen so many girls in the tournaments I attend to...

So..its almost cartoon Black Flag?

I thought no one was playing this :o

I think that logic is flawed. Deeming someone “trustworthy” just because is an insider is wrong. If anything it might be worst because is subject to the pressures and interests of the business. Their vision is from the top down. And that’s ok but it also something that us consumers might see as bad and criticize it.

This article makes ZERO valid arguments and misses the biggest argument for lettuce: Makes you feel fuller while eating something relatively innocuous. And honestly, tastes great with some dressings.

I have no experience with RDR2 (or weed :P ) but you are right. There is a vibe in NMS that is almost hypnotic. I kinda feel in a trance while playing. Introspective yet expansive at the same time. I guess that’s precisely why is not for everyone and some confuse some of the vibe with being boring. Their loss. I’m

This movie is the best movie ever and you cannot change my mind.

No Man’s Sky, people. I was of the group of people being mind blown by the trailer and then making fun of it at lunch for its failings.

I guess global-scale cyber crime in the name of helping a Swedish millionaire stave off a multi-million dollar Indian music production company doesn’t pay after all.”

Don’t care about Twitch and its drama at all, but just came in to comment in the artwork in the header and rest of article. Very nice.

Adult Ed Elric in the header Pic.