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Archetypes exist for a reason. They are easy to understand, universal and general. And I believe that’s what Nintendo is after. Yes, they might crash with our current ideas of roles and gender, but this is just ingrained with the psyche. Nintendo is always slow to get with the times but still, that’s not always bad.

You are correct. I meant to say “reveal Metroid Prime 4 and announce Overwatch”. 

Nintendo just needs to announce Overwatch and Metroid 4 already. That’s gonna keep everyone happy.


That was pre mob turning.

Well, the mystery of the Voynich Manuscripts have been finally solved.

Cum in the face is denigrating and gross for the receiving end IMHO u_u I will never understand it.

Just when I was ok for not going to SDCC -_-

I cannot believe most people are falling for this trolling. And both the supporters and reactions are equally ridiculous.

I believe is Pixiv, not “Pixvi”. Other than than that, looks like a great tool for us less talented artists :)

Awesome response Nopex6. Although, maybe we walk in different sides of the webs. I mainly stay in the YT realm and I do follow different critics and analysis in both pro and against Disney SW. From HelloGreedo to Red Letter Media, and it is obvious that there is a considerable chunk in the fandom who are not happy

The SW reddit has a considerable number of users, but is nowhere close to the main YT channels/videos. Also, the fatigue argument is wrong. Black Panther and Infinity Wars were playing at theaters almost at the same time and they’re both breaking records. And I am willing to say SW is (used to be?) THE biggest film

How come no one is covering that one big reason Solo is bombing is the fan boycott? Lots of articles saying “fatigue” “competition” “bad advertising”...but not what a big chunk of the fandom is saying. Just check YT. (This is not my own point of view, bit it is a big factor here).

Its more complex than that. From identity politics injected in the franchise, mistreatment of fans and mainstream bias.... and a lot of things in between. Sadly, I see similarities as for why Trump won, believe it or not.

A.A. Down thanks for your honesty regarding Solo. That “Burning movies sounds intriguing. The quality movie making in South Korea is really awesome!

Blind Hiring is the way to go. Awesome.

Well, thats gonna be the excuse to start hacking my Switch.

This is just a reminder that you can do much, much more than multiplayer shooters with the Star Wars franchise.

“...obnoxious racist fan bros who often dominate other major genre conventions.” You and I go to totally different conventions then.

I like Q&A sessions. Sometime they create great moments and interactions.