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This is a happy story!!..... but there is a reverse when developers get velified and attacked for unwarranted reasons by the media/public.

Gaming culture in Mexico is pretty interesting too. The Geek/Nerd culture is huge.

Sounds like a good career move to go public with this kind of thing.

This is culture appropriation. Geek culture appropriation u_u

Thickness checks out.

I keep it simple: I try to be as nice as possible, ignore the trolls and comment if there is something we could do better. Sometime I’m ignored, sometimes I meet pretty cool people, and sometimes I still get harassed. But is a good experience overall.

Politics. Ugh. There are things I do identify with one side or the other. But everyone (at least on the internet) seem to think in absolute terms.

PC version?

PC version?

For years I use to be very condescending with people giving money to others for just playing games. But a couple of days ago one of my idols of comics (Jim Lee) was streaming while doing illustrations and against my best judgement, I bought my first round of bits and cheer them away. I was happy to support one of my

Woah! Her range of styles is awesome!! I love these FINA ART posts...I followed pretty much every single featured artist so far. Thanks Luke!

Maybe it is not healthy for them, but for some people, it may be a form of fantasy fulfillment that is harmless for everyone else. Maybe its people who have no chance of experiencing a relationship in real life. Still, some stuff is just wrong. Pedo stuff is scary.

But...can it stop the train?

Left side of brain: What a shill / Right Side: She’s hot.


Spike!!! <3

Haha.. yes, indeed. Again I think a lot of this is subjective, akin to selecting the best classic rock band. Beatles? Rolling Stones? Queen? Doors? Pink Floyd? We will never have consensus on this but we all agree these should be considered among the best. Same with this guy. There is a reason he is involved with the

Art is subjective and I don’t doubt that you think that; But this guy is certainly high tier.

As I read the headline, I was ready to dispute that grand statement.. but there is no reason to do so. Beautiful work!

She tried her best, Timothy.

Oh man, another way Blizzard could make me pay money again Overwatch. And I would be smiling all the way.