In my dreams, this adaptation is given a considerable budget, a good american studio/director, without a creative vision to impose in the source material.
In my dreams, this adaptation is given a considerable budget, a good american studio/director, without a creative vision to impose in the source material.
Hey, here. A proper response:
I’m part of a minority who is supposed to be afraid of Trump, But Im kind of enjoying Trump success. It’s a shock and a well deserved wake up call to the media, the internet (which is stuck in a self confirming loop of mind sets) news outlets, the “establishment”...almost an act of rebellion by society. And I respect…
After doing the same thing expecting different results, I’m willing to give him a chance, after all, he is the was ELECTED. Fortunately, the damage he can do to the nation is capped by the government structure.
I think is better to reflect in what is wrong in our way of thinking. The bubble we surround ourselves with, and know that internet and media is not all there is to base your opinions on. If anything, things are going to get interesting.
There is a 3rd option my friends, is a Skyrim offshoot. Either a unique version of the previous game or a brand new thing.
Xamd: The lost Memory is awesome, and the op theme is a great match. Rest in piece Mr. Kawashima.
I’m with EA on this one. He could be like “Cool! I’m in the game” (even though is a fictional social network)... but nooooo... Straight to the victimhood and self rightioness. Ugh.
Great marketing campaign,“It” reboot.
Both clowns.
Silly me, I imagined it a bit more epic for some reason.
I want a book, movie, comic or netflix series based on this. Sounds awesome.
Funny how harder it is to find fan games than illegal ROMs.
Balant patent trolling. The terms and definitions on this patents are so comically general and without specifics that the internet as a whole is might qualify in infrienging their patents. Arent patents suposed to be waaay more detailed? This is practically patenting a general idea.
“No Man’s Sky is not the game a lot of people wanted it to be”..ugh. It’s not the game they said (and advertised) would be.
Oh Nathan. You are one of my favorites, but you are using a false argument here (the “ultimate video game” thing). It is not that people came up with unrealistic expectations, is just that we believed what the developer said.
I did not mean to generalize, but you would be wrong to think that the style was not major factor in SNK’s success in the past. I know people who dont even play the game but are fans of the art and sprite work, and support the brand by buying licensed products. I stopped playing long time ago, buy still order artbooks…
SNK needs to understatnd that fans of KOF are in it for the gameplay, as much as the style. And this is missing the later.
Haha... Exactly my thought process!! I’m going with low res roto.