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I want a physical card set, with revised rules. I already have the cards from the special editions, but a rebalanced/tweaked/updated physical game set would be awesome.

I just hope I get to own a BttF Delorian Replica before I die.

“The fate of likely Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is now (virtually) in your hands” And quite literally too. Please vote.

Still, I’d rather own the Marmon Wasp.

Oh Brian…another torn in my heart for not being able to travel to Japan. Sometime ago, I opened an account just for this purpose; saved all the money I could for almost a year. Then, a coupe of months ago, when I was in the brink of making my dream possible.. My car broke and had to buy another one. Being a single

Its beautiful…I'm having a blast just watching my roommate playing it :-)

Well, this certainly puts things into perspective. Thank you!

Don't know if this speaks to the strength of the player or the weakness of the game…or both?

“i just don’t like all the hype and popularity this series has.“ wha?

Ah, thank you. you saved me some typing.


Well, I’m a whale.

Nintendo=Apple. They are obviously good at what they do but there is an “arrogant” vibe there. Sony and Microsoft should fear the day Nintendo updates their policies. Keeping their quality products while doing things in a smart, sensible way; they would be unstoppable.

PC+WiiU has been the perfect combo for this gen (so far). Not enough unique exclusives in consoles….except Bloodborne.

“I can’t help but feel that the game was only delayed to be a launch title on NX.“ This is exactly my problem with it.

While this makes sense for N, is a big slap in the face for WiiU owners. This delay is obviously to develop a speacial NX version. Oh Nintendo, you make so hard for me to keep loving you... But I’m sure you will win me back at E3.

T8-TR in sunday clothes.

What is that beautiful thing? Me wants!

Judging by the graphics i reckon this is for android...right? RIGHT?

I have been waiting for a deal in a Moga Hero Power for months and nothing… I’m about to go against my principles and pay full price. Please help!

I have been waiting for a deal in a Moga Hero Power for months and nothing… I’m about to go against my principles