Every numbered installment of the series brought something revolutionary in terms of graphics/gameplay…I fail to see that in this one.
Every numbered installment of the series brought something revolutionary in terms of graphics/gameplay…I fail to see that in this one.
“Some people think fighting games don’t need story modes. I’m not one of them.” Exactly. Although Im not sure the way Capcom have been handling this in IV & V. Their production values are way below the quality of the rest of the game.
Disney is missing big with the gaming opportunities of the franchise, Where is the Space Sim? RPG? Adventure? or another Commando? Nooo… Only Battlefield with a SW skin….ugh. BTW Giving the exclusivity deal, EA would have to approve/make another Republic Commando?
I have to thank PewDiePie & Fandom for giving me the perfect opportunity to practice my tolerance and civility towards things I don’t like. Best of lucks for him.
This is not VR. They are 360 videos.
I would buy a set! Please, do it. Don’t know why, but this made me wet in the eyes… beautiful. Thanks for sharing this story Mike.
This gentleman speaks my mind. (Nice nick BTW)
So, is fine for you to shot people in the head, but is disturbing if they do it themselves?
I was in that exact same predicament, but it really picks up after those starting quests. All the good stuff from open world games and the narrative of the best TV shows. Unsolicited advice: play it quest by quest, take your time exploring & get the witchier gear.
VR. Please?
Witcher 3. Because of Gwent and Hearts of stone.
Oh Brian…Just when I think I can put in hold my desperation to visit Japan, you post an awesome post.
Chesty. Love it.
Lies Valve! Assassin’s Creed Rogue and Black Flag were on sale for a couple of days.
Movies, music, apps or games…never had any trouble giving a score to anything. Then again, no one cares about my opinion.
We basically have the same computer. Oh well…Our i7 950’s had a great run.
They fail to realize that the price point was what gave them instant recognition and wide spread attention in the first place. And wait until the actual launch to put things straight is a very douchey move. A very bad move now that the VR scene is about to get crowded.
She is awesome.
I participated in a couple SW Fanfilms. No problems so far.