Ah, I needed a streaming thingy today! I guess I will have to go full peasant price :-(
Ah, I needed a streaming thingy today! I guess I will have to go full peasant price :-(
Ah, I needed a streaming thingy today! I guess I will have to go full peasant price :-(
Ah, I needed a streaming thingy today! I guess I will have to go full peasant price :-(
Well, in order to comply with your suggestion, they are right on time to have it ready by the release of the NX. Although I reckon it will take waaaay longer.
Respect meter over 9000. Awesome response.
Except this “demo” doesn’t consider viewable area and the the opacity.
Yes less “fun”, but much better for the consumers. Plus, this won’t prevent the awesome mini games :D
This the only game that breaks my pride as a Master Race member… C’mon From Software, I’m begging you!
“Fallout 4, an otherwise excellent depiction of Donald Trump’s America” You win all internetz today.
Dear Kotaku.
I got into animation just because of that opening. Its just gorgeous.
These are the kind of pics I enjoy the most about Japan, the mundane stuff. Its all in the details.
Two words come to my mind, “Free” and “Dynamic.” Love it.
Wait…thats it!? 5 secs of gameplay for Zelda WiiU!? And now that they are doing TP HD, there not going to be releasing anything until thats out… ughhhhhhh… Running out of patience Ninti… and love is running low too.
The worst part is that some of these people look familiar to me O_o
Oh god. Corrected.
I insist, give me a basic campaign mode to enjoy your wonderfully crafted world and I’ll be right there.
Indeed No Man’s Sky sounds like a possible expression of this idea.
“We can’t we be friends?…”
I thought the moral was to notify the city before making a film/photo shoot of this type in public spaces :P Now I’m curious to know who this guys is :D
I love the characters, the setting and style; this really needs a story/campaign mode.