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Although the anime (Arise) was a bit disappointing, I hope they do ok, at least in order to support this kind of production and theater itself (one of my favorite arts). Also, she looks gorgeous!.

Came in ready to love it…. left feeling meh.

Wait. Disney paid 4.05 Billion for Star Wars, HOW DOES THIS MAKES ANY SENSE? I smell some fishy business U_U

Maybe they have valuable assets and patents we are not aware off? Like the trademark in the word “Saga”? :P

It pains me to see so much awesome work diminished by the abysmal editing.

Oh, the negativity.. Did you guys forget about Pokemon GO?

I wish I could buy this game to my son. He wants it and I want to play it too! Just an option to tune it down a bit and we would be game. I know, I know… there is worst content online or in movies and it would kill the spirit of the game…but there is something about being “the dad” and allowing that stuff at home that

My son and I are always looking for any games with split screen support and/or local multiplayer support. It’s an important part of our relationship… and source of some conflicts as well :P

Except It wasn’t a pre-release. It was an official release. I think a more proper solution would have been to re-release the game as a “Revised Edition” or something .

Since the use of cigarettes and alcohol is so rampant in Japan, destroying a persons life over the use of other drugs sounds a bit wrong.

Good. Glad this game is out of the way; now we all can look forward to more news on the real Zelda game. (Oh Nintendo, I would hate if I didn’t love you so much…)

Well, these games duplicate some of the dexterity and rhythm needed to play a song in a real instrument, without any need of talent or creativity. For some people, that is fun and engaging.

Ok Ronda, you had my attention, now you have my heart.

Even though I’m all for free expression, these kind of messages just get in the way of effective communication. A moderator should be able to significantly reduce this kind of trolling.

With one little (huge) change the WiiU would have been the greatest console ever. If the controlled worked as a stand alone portable console. 2DS graphics on the road and WiiU controller in the house. Granted, it might have added a 100 dlls to the price of the console, but you get a single system for all gaming needs.

Indeed. I might have been mistakenly suspicious but “please, understand” this is the internet after all. Now, I’ll go back to my corner.

Fair enough.

These LoL posts are so constant, long, in depth and with so little traction, I wonder why they are not branded as what they really are, Paid Content.

These LoL posts are so long, in depth and with so little traction, I wonder why they are not branded as what they really are, paid content.

There are better ways to play Smash on PC Nathan, look around ;-)