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I want to like it so much…

Loved the caption… and the pony too!

I dont know why, but the VFXs look too fake to me. I think is due to they trying to be more serious and gritty, I expect things to look more real.

The quality of the main artwork seems to vary quite a lot... But being classic SNK I’m in!

Wall-E is the pinnacle of cinema… well, the first half :P

Well, Good bye real life, family and friends. I have a galaxy to explore…

Wow..I felt bad grading Nintendo with a 5… but most votes 1!? Sad… I think just a 2 min Zelda gameplay trailer would have made a huuuge difference.

For years I resisted moving in to 3D animation because it lacked some of the character/simple aesthetics of 2d, but with this game and the new Guilty Gear I’m shifting my ideas. Great times.

Its pains me to accept it but this looks like the start of the end for the WiiU’s life cycle.

This might be a tipping point for the current console wars. Ok Xbox one, now you have my attention. Now show me a Bloodborn killer and Im in.

The only promise I really cared about, was precisely the one they broke: New Zelda in 2015.

(Bioshock Infinite) I might be a conformist in this sense: I liked what I got, even if its not what was promised. Watch Dogs on the other hand….

They can negotiate DS3 all they want.. but gimme Bloodborne for PC! (i know, its foolish…)

Instant upgrade from “meh” news to “click me” news in my book.

What about redrawing this extra long arm?

Bloodborne is the only game ever I will buy full price. In PC (wishful thinking, i know, i know…)

Bloodborne is the only game ever I will buy full price. In PC (wishful thinking, i know, i know…)

Wow..the art in the Spiderman comic doesn’t look that hot. Planet Hulk on the other hand….is definitely a “gimme now”.

Uhmmm… After trying to figure out how to add something fresh to the fighter genre I think Netherreals is into something. Even if some other games dabbled a bit in to this; extensive, smart and purposely stage interaction could provide a whole new level of gameplay and variation.

Awesome idea…! And since we are being wishful/fantasizing, I would love to have FromSoftware involved :D

He could easily make a game by himself and even finance it on his own~ or even go trough Kickstarter to dilute the risks; he has been into gaming for a long time and has a huge following. BUT, if it means putting his films in the back burner, just no. Gimme Pacific Rim 2/Mountains of Madness asap.