I must move in the wrong circles, I didn’t know about any of this except for the Kotaku coverage. I guess I have to go outside my cave once in while :P
I must move in the wrong circles, I didn’t know about any of this except for the Kotaku coverage. I guess I have to go outside my cave once in while :P
Much ado about nothing.
Everything by Edgar Wright. Period.
Uh!?. Oh. Yawn.
It looks interesting, but not much fun.
What!? No gallery or samples of his work? Bad Brian.
I love this style quite a lot, but its getting overcrowded. Knowing all the starving artist around why not hire someone to give your a unique identity that reflects the originality of your game?
Oh man, that is exactly right. Passion without work and knowledge goes nowhere. Its a very similar case in the video & film industry which excites lot of people, but few are willing to put in the real work, along with developing patience, humility and a very very thick skin. And if you put together what we have been…
Good luck, Erik. But, please do focus. Do not go around applying for any available position. Game Testing? Awesome, some programming skills, do lets plays/guides will improve your chances. Translations? Good! Writing classes, a blog, reviews… etc. Prepare to be the best candidate to whatever job is that you want to do…
System specific lists of this kind should include tittle that are exclusive to the system in question. Is a bit misleading. We can have a multi platform list as well :D
I think you extended metaphor works better as “Reheat Pizza” :P
Mhh…Conflicting emotions. It's good sign they are trying to maximize the potential of the new gameplay elements and power…. but bummed because of the delay. Just another instance in our love/hate relationship, Nintendo. But I'll wait for you. Just like I did with my first girlfriend (it was so worth it :D)
Chill bro. Its just my humble and possibly flawed opinion. And yes, I know its a concept, and as such, it should provide with a tantalizing insight into a story and/or characters. For reference, look at what they did with Tron a few years back, the concept already indicated ideas for the story (even if the movie…
Gritter Fantasia 2000 :) Graphically impressive but not enough of the world, character or arc.
So much could go wrong…but this provably the best shot we can have for a decent Zelda adaptation.
I don't get angry when people don't answer my calls, and nobody should get mad I don't do it either. Im not entitled to anything. If somebody don't answer i assume they are either busy, is not a good time to call or quite simple they don't want a talk to me. Its all fine. Same way with "seen" on FB or whatsup. I…
Blah… just block the signal in classrooms. Spare me the what if's.
The tech its progressively cheaper. A couple of years ago a 1GB USB was around 50dlls. Also part my point is that there are some benefits like faster loading times and durability. Still, I know it hard to justify in countries with solid internet and infrastructure.
I know its hopeless, but man, I would love that media to make a comeback. My only hope is that the storage prices are going down and there are security measures that they cloud apply impossible to pull off in disks. But well…