Sorry, but the best use of Conan music in an official Zelda trailer belongs to TP:
Sorry, but the best use of Conan music in an official Zelda trailer belongs to TP:
Ah. Excellent comment. Thank you.
Well. In manga there is a tendency of IPs overstaying their welcome. Usually the main story arc is fairy straightforward but all the filler, unnecessary side stories and the newenemy-powerup-win-repeat mechanic makes it tiresome. I'd rather have the creators releasing at a slower pace but keeping the quality and…
Your good taste and knowledge have been noted Sir.
Just adding insult to injury with the net neutrality debacle. Patently waiting for Google Fiber to go nationwide… Then it's going to be very funny to see the companies going crazy catching up and struggling to keep their costumers. Unless Google goes fully into the dark side….
Well, you guys had it waaaay better than fans of other series...
It is incredible for me that, even after we have seen thousands of fan art and interpretations of Zelda, the are are still novel ways to portrait them. On the other hand, NO. No animated LoZ. The magic of the franchise is the craft that goes into designing the interactivity and the careful arrangement of its elements.…
The problem with morons doing this kind of treats is that it protects Anita from criticism and at the same time diverts the discussion from the real issues. The feminist movement has a lot of valid points but I reckon there are far better representatives for their cause.
I get your point. But after all I've been seeing around, including in the Kinja ecosystem, from victimizing, sexism (again from all sides) and all around negativity is good to see coverage of an event event just celebrating an important part of the community. I don't care if it is geek girls, gays, hispanics, disabled…
Promoting this kind of events and positive activities is the kind of thing I love to see for the gender equality, not all the recent BS from BOTH sides. Good Kotaku.
Your reasoning is good but your assumptions are based on a lot of unknowable facts. The specific methods of acquiring the energy from the stars, the all important effects of the amplification crystals, the specific mechanics used in the laser to affect the planets structure, etc. Also, according to the Star Wars…
Hopefully, the powerful and ever ready feminist movement in the US is gonna compensate by buying millions over here. Make your voice heard ladies!
Feels like 3D mapping / projection. It is not realtime lighting as you can see in the reflective surfaces.
Thank you!... That is a perspective that has been missing a lot lately around here.
Brace yourselves…White Knighting incoming.
Sorry bro, but even people need grades or a GPA to measure their performance and strengths. And people are even more complex than a game. Now, if you want all the nuances and details about a specific title, read/look the damn review and (very important) look for reviewers who's taste you trust. BTW - Destiny is a…
Uhm…. Is it me or Sims is saturating the Kotaku feed?… I'm glad you guys are having fun but is going overboard (As with the Spider Woman comic cover)… Don't get me wrong I still love my Gawker ;)
I'm the worst at combos and the best at mind games… And still suck against players with skills the other way around :-( SnakeEyez is the best.