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A refined Kinect (V3?), finger/hand reading gloves and Oculus VR and I'd call it a day. For now.

A very interesting exchange.

Not very found of the zentai thing..but this costume here looks awesome. Anyone knows the name of this specific character?

Wow. What a shame.. Even though I don't really like the Naruto franchise, I respected the quality of its animation; now not even that. Thanks for the heads up.

Tsk. Kids these days. I respect your "personal opinion" about the series, but you are not that far away from the critics of Citizen Kane (a more appropriate analogy that the Bible bit); it's not about "feeling nostalgic", it is about the context, perspective, cultural and industry status at the time and the knowledge

Just a heads up to music connoisseurs.. VGL features a LOT of playback. I have seen it 3 times in different avenues and its the same story everytime. Sure its a fun event and they usually go loud, but its a shame much of the music is played from backup tracks...It should be called video games 25% live :P

Way more excited about this than Elder Scrolls Online…

One of the best mangaka ever Ito Ōgure (Oh great!) went this road as well.

HD Remake :)

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. They look very well done and informative.

Thank you… Although this may well be tagged as "PAID ADVERT" being a repeated post and "Gameplay on my Xbox One looks bleak now, but the grass is much, much greener come February 18, when Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare launches on both of Microsoft's supported consoles. " bit.


It cost you 15 bucks to know what you didn't want and reassess you own work. That's fair.

Oh why, yes. We have been playing games like this for years, but in multiple screens, community mods and custom controls. Considering it is running in hardware we used to play with 4 years ago, it looks cute. Well, got to go back to my spaceship. We will back with some more messages from beyond soon...

Saintsrowardian. There.

Oh, good foods! The true elixir of life... and the occasional exercise too. And gaming. Very important.

It not that they necessarily were gamers before your generation (although the arcade scene was pretty strong before the consoles) but a lot of people pick ups gaming latter in life... and now with the phenomenon of the last Wii and smartphone scene, its a pretty varied community. Now, if you are 26 and feel old that's

Plus, it is an article about Miyazaki...that's universal stuff.

Thats mean -_- Im not that young either.. but you probably need to check the gaming average charts, to have a better picture of the whole scene. We are an aging group.

That's what we call "Production Art". REPRESENTING the final product. Ugh.