So cute when some one asserts facts about something they know nothing about.
You call it "Shawarma", I call it burrito.
Oh, thank you. Seems that nobody cares to read and just react to the pictures.
Again most of the commentators don get that the target demographic for this device is 7 years olds. No 3D and sturdier. But I guess they still need to vent their frustration for...something.
+1 Exactly my feels.
Yeah..I'm aware I may be asking Zelda to become something it's never been. But at the same time... The sense of wonder, accomplishment, adventure and openness I felt in Skyrim transported me immediately to what I felt with the original Zeldas. I mean just look at this… Dont you get…
My apologies, but truly... I need my next Zelda with a Skyrim gameplay. I know some people is against this but I think is where the evolution of the Zelda franchise needs to go. Don't get me wrong, I loved every single installment so far since the first NES, but after some entries I felt something was amiss... which I…
Psst!..Nintendo? Look at this.. you thinking what Im thinking?..oh yeah..Pokemon Infinity!!
This friend speaks my mind.
I suppose I have to thank you for the coffee I spilled trough my nose. Thank you.
Well said. I'm in exactly the same position with one slight difference, I have a boy. Now I'll have to explain to him that openly expressing his liking of the show is socially unacceptable for irrational reasons... Or just teach him to ignore the morons.
Just.One. Screenshot.ZeldaU.Please.Need.Hope.
I'm playing it right now on a passable PC setup and the loading is barely noticeable. (I even sometimes wish the loading screen lasted longer to be able to read the tips and watch the fantastic models. I know, I'm weird like that)
That is a great way of interpreting Nintendo. Well done.
Here, Wind Waker with new graphics and updated gameplay:
Man, this constant Robot Jox/Evangelion comparisons in every Pacrim post. Go and try to enjoy the movie without your preconceived ideas, and THEN you have the right to post this things. Again, watch it from a neutral standpoint, not just to confirm you own beliefs.
First of all, congrats on your wedding! Its the Master Quest of life!! Now, whats with that "I've got more Star Wars Merchandise on hand than one soon-to-be-married person should"? thing?.. Don't say those things.
I love these games, especially Shadow over Mystara dear Capcom... but PLEASE dont say "fully updated with HD graphics..." when all you are doing is applying a horrible filter, even killing some detail of the crisp and beautiful sprites. See here, open pics fullscreen VS