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Is that a Daft Punk helmet? Damn. First this disappointing vid:

From the 2000's there a tendency to make anime more, how should I put it? depressive? I enjoy most of it, as it tends to add depth and maturity, but Its the element of playfulness from the past is a bit more constrained lately. other than that I like the current aesthetics in anime, but after watching anime since the

So.. Nintendo was right all along...?

I totally agree with you... For what I have seen of the game, there is nothing that is not feasible in a local computer. Shouldn't be hard to test how much data is being used. although I suspect it would be more drm routines than the game itself :-P

I'd say that you are not, but are free to keep thinking that you are.

John Carter is a mess of a movie. And worst than being a bad film, it's that it is no fun. Tron was not as good as it might have been but had enjoyable bits (like the whole bar scene, lightcycles and the fight/ending). Both over promised and under delivered.

Oh man, this is beautiful...

That was beautiful sir. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes its hard to find the worthier stuff on TEDtalks.

Well... I"ll be second... IRON GIANT!

I really think this is something to be celebrated, even if the greater percentage of people of the world are not even remotely ready to accept this notion. Even I, a declared atheist (for the lack of a better word) must confess that I still unconsciously fall into mental traps that lead to the supernatural. The

Sir, you have properly addressed the great evil of contemporary film making.

I think at Comic Con the mentioned the use of some "CG enhancement" on his face.

Joe Kubert's Wonderful World Of Comics was one of my first inspirations to study art seriously.

I was lucky enough to bump into him twice at this years Comic Con and he was a total gent to me and everyone around... even as we were behaving as obnoxious fanboys.

Imagine what would happen once they finish with the expansion planed for the Convention Center and cramp even more people inside... On the party side, I don't know... The Dethlok/Girl Talk concert party was one of the con's highlights for me.

The stuff shown at SDCC was pretty impressive. I turned me from "meh.." to "I might go to the theater for this one....". If anything the production values and design looked pretty solid...

You are telling me that after years and years of research we cant even put together simple phrases to communicate with them? It doesn't make any sense at all.

Im only worried about the Walking Dead Experience & Nerd HQ... companies are taking notice of this and charging money for certain premium exhibits could potentially become the ruin of the convention.

Exactly my feelings. I guess Tom Hanks really wanted to put out there no matter what.