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This'll be my 12th year attending to SDCC.

Well, that is true. A more realistic solution would be that they either the build a larger venue or overlap the main panels on different locations. Now that i think about it, some time ago I proposed the idea of broadcasting the panels on screens around the Convention Center, even on Gaslamp, omitting the preview

The LO-PAN might be good...

Obama regained my outmost respect a couple of days ago when a became aware of the fact that he is a Conan comic book collector.

Thankfully. This is the time to hit the expanded spaces of the Con, like the hotels and Gaslamp exhibitions..I wonder what Disney is going to do with Wrecking Ralph; Tron may have sucked, but the promotional efforts during the CC where phenomenal.

I think its a good strategy that they will have some free time between panels, Hall H. It will promote the rotation of audiences. The continuous stream of presentations basically kept the same people in the room all day. It's a great feeling when people is in the room for the same purpose and interest and not because

I would be thankful if IO9 announced the CC Meetup a soon as possible, last year's was confirmed just 3 days before...

Well yes. But its the same tech behind Fantamic!. Dont get me wrong, I love Disney Parks and I can still feel the sense of wonder and appreciate new attractions (my fave is Temple of the Forbidden Eye) But i cant shake the feeling they stopped pushing the envelope.. And don't even get started on the Innoventions

This is the kind of thing I wish Disney and their Imagineers would come up with. As a child, I dreamed about what they would come up with in the future. I remember riding back home thinking about new/re-purposed technology and inventive applications. But it pains me to see that Potc & Hunted Mansion are still

Im still waiting the day they announce a "Batteries not Included" themed quadrotor for sale....

I was just writting: "So another hypothesis Roswell case comes forward..." 10 secs before your post...Get out of my head!

The plot... Disney is doing Tron 3 after all!

I think this is the first step towards the Star Wars films we all have been waiting for. Lucas should have always be honored as the creator of the most important franchise in the history of entertainment, film, special effects, etc... but it's about time for him to let others play on his universe, and allow new

I've never felt more american than I felt while watching this video... and I wasn't born here.

I'm right with you. People tend to think this way:"Oh! Look at that in the sky! I don't know what it is... It must be aliens!!" (Yeah, deGrasse Tyson stole this line from me...)

Now that you mention Mr Kirby, you just illuminated some dark memories of the Agent America (or Fighting America) fiasco... ugh.

This is an incredible complicated premise for a movie... But there is hardly another director with more probability of success pulling this up than Del Toro.... Actually only Neill Blomkamp comes to mind... who coincidentally, is another protege of Peter Jackson. Mmmhh.

My sentiment exactly.. but his greatest fault is his infuriating "ART"!!

Thanks for bringing some Hank Azaria to this tread....

Mayans?.That's So Passé!... Doomsayers are now moving to the asteroid Apophis!!!