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Great work!... There is one element that's screams Tim Burton to me: the dry tree branch.

Well, the opening lines "Yes, this is about right", confirms that he was successful on his experiment... Although, like in any work of art, that's just might be my interpretation...

Woah, this is one of those films you literally need to see twice to get it...awesome work.

That's exactly the way i remember that scene.....!

Maybe this is common knowledge for star gazing aficionados, but i just became aware of a little piece of software called SpaceEngine a couple of day ago and well, if you have a capable computer its a dream come true!. Really good 3D Space Navigation. My 11 years old son even forgot about his 360 for this.. and thats

Oh man. The Scott Pilgrim flop. Now i feel compelled to to make a Kony-type of campaign for Prometheus... But judging for the reaction for the marketing so far it should do fine. It MUST do fine.

I don't know how much this comment says about me as a parent, but Speed Racer was the first movie that made my 8 year old son cry of emotion at the climax of the last race... and i couldn't help but to shed a tear as well. Good times.

I found irritating that while obviously they had right production, budget, equipment and even passable music, all is rendered stupid thanks to the direction... oh wait...

Japan may a small country in size, but its greatness resides on its people... I'm sure they will stand up and rise to the occasion once more... If there was any country in the world TRULY prepared for something like this its them. All I hope is that, even with all that devastation the casualties stay low.

This article would be better if the chosen topic was about "The REAL agencies dedicated to making sure you’re only seeing a pale shadow of reality" ... Starting with the Department of the Treasury of course... You know the "reality-stranger-than-fiction" thing...

Nice. Let me know once they hit itunes.

The exact same development here...

This reminds me a bit of a urban legend that states that the Tibetan Buddhists never get cancer.... But in the end I think most of us just want to believe there is more to it than what science offers. (and of course, that explains a lot more than "miracle shark cartilage")

If Wolverine is appearing in a anime produced by Madhouse and its not based on the 1980s series by Chris Claremont, its junk by default.

I'm pretty much quoting Joseph Campbell here...sadly, his deep understanding of the human spirit/psyche has been abused and misused on most films... I hope io9 give us a post this month about him.

Its really hard for me to criticize independent filmmakers not matter how bad it is...Lets just say that this kind of productions are like a "box of chocolates"...


Again, where is my Star Wars themed hotel? If there is something worth paying premiums for is a Death Star themed suite or a Mos Elsey Bar or even Endor Pool (Keep the Ewoks) with a Exogorth ride or what about a Darth Vader wake up call... possibilities are endless!

Is that a concept art for the Jetsons? Astro looking bad though...

Oh my good Sir, you have given me the first real laugh of the day.