Looking at this pictures, I cant stop listening to a whisper on my ear:"...Carpe Diem..."
Looking at this pictures, I cant stop listening to a whisper on my ear:"...Carpe Diem..."
Maybe not for FX, but Scott Pilgrim deserved a nod for editing if nothing else.
How far is "The perfect space for protest" to "The perfect space for celebration"?
Maybe because of what it represents. The "beginning of the journey" or the "potential of adventure" and the "people who have been it the unknown". In a way is what Mos Eisley cantina or The Prancing Pony represent.
Mmmhh... They not necessarily have to "built them"... they can just run a simulation with the data using their undoubtedly advanced computers... Although they'd be pressing Shift+Del in no time out of boredom....
Tron remind me a bit of the fatal flaws on a potencially great property. In any case, personally the solution is to use the stablished universe and leave it it the hands of a serviciable director and a good writer.
Excellent point, sir. You just rescued 20 seconds of the new trilogy for me... Now, if you don’t mind, I have about 6 more hours of footage that need explanation.
Yeah, An anime inspired hotel may be interesting... but what about a Star Wars themed hotel!!? Uncle George!?
@OkayOctane: Or the fact that 99% of them are filmed with shity cameras/out of focus/wierd fps... Still, I want to belive...
@Dances with Peeps: Ah, Richard Dawkins would be proud.
It’s hard to judge by just that pic, but Panthero looks like another character altogether... and Cheetara looks like a drug addict hooker.
Another victim of the internets.... It is curious, Wizard Magazine closing down and Comic-Con overcrowded and growing each year..
So, the live action version of Cowboy Bebop is dead?...
@Foohy: Actually muchacho, his best work is on Scott Pilgrim vs The World....Booyah!
Wish list for Tron3
What!? No M.D. Geist!?
This goes to remind everyone: Be aware of the people around you, cherish and treasure your moments together, and most of all, don’t be afraid to show your love and care.
Oh Nasa, feeling right lately?
@phoghat: That's the best pic of Steve Buscemi ever.
Truth is that almost every aspect of this movie is great...