@Pope John Peeps II: I thought we were past this discussion (see Robert Ebert blog).
@Pope John Peeps II: I thought we were past this discussion (see Robert Ebert blog).
@COL-Glen-Manning: You know what? I wanted that type of "artistic democracy" too. But little by little I have been feeling some kind of oversaturation, and thus, diminishing of importance of this kind of creations. Even worst, some talented and visionary people just get lost on this panorama. Like a diamond in a pool…
@ThisDudeRufus: Humm.. Some people don't appreciate avant garde cinema....
@acidsprinkles: Their accent is South-american...
@Smeagol92055: ROACH: They are tears my friend., just tears.
@Derek Pegritz: I was raised in a Christian religion, but it never ceases to amaze me how fascinating Hinduism is. There are extraordinary ideas contemplating multilverses or mind blowing magnitudes in a way almost no other religion does...
@Timothy Neill: Oh my... I had a similar experience at this years SDCC with Joseph Kosinski (Tron Legacy)... For 5 minutes all could ask was: You know when Daft Punk will be playing on San Diego?...
Unrelated to the actual subjet on the video, but... I must say that everytime I hear a intelligent, talented & positive indiviadual expressing his/her ideas... is sublime.
@dopepope: Second that... As much as I'm loving all about Tron Legacy, Clu is still not over the dreaded valley most of the time, this being Hollywood's latest attempt... but we are getting there...my prediction is at least another 5 years.
@Jon: Yeah, compared to other PMs around this is a bummer..What you mention is just part of it, the actual implemented ideas/designs are not that good either... such a wasted opportunity... The production design on Tron had great potential for a project like this.
I’m praying so hard that I cannot hear your heretic stories...!!
@Feyhra: I can certainly understand that motivation… but then again, it is missing the point… Sometimes I think of the Rubik’s Cube as just a variation of the fitness equipment, (i.e. Treadmill) everyone has on their basements, but no one uses…
Using cheat sheets and/or guides to solve something that is supposed to challenge your intellect defeats the purpose itself...plus the joy and sense of accomplishment of finally pulling off that last move, solving it on your own and smiling while you look at each side one more time… is truly priceless…
@jamieb0520: So the mythical shadow biosphere not so mythical after all...
@Pope John Peeps II: Perhaps I wasn’t clear enough that I was referring to hollywood adaptations.
@Mark 2000: I know exactly what you mean... but as you might've notice, much of what we used to think as "geek stuff" is mainstream right now... As you said, when something is appreciated, discovered or/and enjoyed by a selected group of people it feels special, personal and unique, but once is "out there" it becomes…
@Pope John Peeps II: Yes, a kid’s movie... but even my 9 year old son was disappointed with DBZ. Additionally, I don’t think DBZ was the best option to translate into live action… impossible to properly adapt its concept to the big screen. But there are tons of other much better prospects in anime. Fullmetal…
Anime is such a rich ground for motion pictures that I don’t understand why is not a single well produced adaptation in American cinemas...(c'mon, DBZ!?) Hopefully this will come after they are done with comics... but man, one heartbreak after another:
@Dwayne Day: Im aware of the details... But its the simple fact that they took 40 years to find out there was water on our own satellite, the one we actually visited, its kind of a bummer...
@Dwayne Day: I still hold Nasa as one of the most respected organizations and I'm amazed by their many successes... but overlooking water in the moon for 40 years, and only acknowledge about it until the Indian probe months ago... something broke.