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Hats off for offering something with that quality for free... Still, when you consider that the Comic is a dying artform, this may be the only option left...

@FrankN.Stein: Considering how something as simple and stoic as "the monolith" would change humanity as a whole, still blows my mind away.

@Roklimber: I actually think he overshoots a little bit... the problem is, there are things "people are not ready for just yet"...

@buddhathing: A consistent and reliable director to say the least. But for some reason Favreau is still greatly underrated on some circles...

@alystra_stardust: Second that... but still my mind keeps cycling in the scene when he prepares the bathtub, as in preparation for the "event"... anyways, great movie (As ussual, they say the book is even better)...

Shesh!... One is not supposed to talk about this...Including the recurring stories, designs, personalities, and animation frames/cycles... you have been warned!

San Diego?

@natanku: Universal Studios

@dhenson314001: Please copy/paste Storymark's response here. Other than that, my critique is only for this specific trailer..other than that, I hope it is a good, entertaining film.

@dhenson314001: Sorry, but if they released a trailer without "finished effects" it’s their problem, they knew they would be judged on that... 150 md+ film should be more professional handled, Green Lantern deserves better, fans deserve better…

@Christopher Paine: I'm assuming that it would depend on the DVD/BR sales performance (A la "Kick-Ass").. On the other hand he apperas to be bound to lots of other projects...

@tetracycloide: I hate to say it but, it just might work....

@dogcow: And looking stunnig, as usual...

I didnt know Stephen Chow was making films in india....