Yeah it is transphobic and this post should be removed.
Yeah it is transphobic and this post should be removed.
“Maybe it’s just a little too close to sucking a robot’s dick.”— Bender is strangely pleased.
let's just start calling conservatives in the us what they really are, fascists. they are not 'authoritarians', they are not 'conservative extremists', they are not 'the far right'. they are fascists. that is what they are and they want what all fascists want. they want to kill you, to put you in chains, to make you a…
I just gnaw on the pit and clean up the mess later. But you don't always get a fully ripe mango. Here is what you do with an unripe mango —>
Except for Malware Bytes none of these are very useful to me. I don't overclock, I don't install multiple OSs, I don't install pirated software and I have never needed to find my product key. It's right there on the case when I bought it. These are for tinkerers who have extra time.
No, actually, we don't know that.
I don't recall asking a question.
Claim: Pensions and unions strangled Detroit.
""Corporate dictators", as you call them, are put in after Democrats have shit-wrecked the local economy." —- Even if that were true, and it is not, how does less democracy solve the problem? Then the next question immediately comes up, "have these corporate dictators actually solved the financial problems they were…
"Unions and black crime killed Detroit." — So it was the ni@@ers huh? While yes, there was mismanagement the real reason was boondoggle stadiums plus the exit of a major employer. Also if you look across Michigan these corporate dictators are only installed in primarily black municipalities. White cities have remained…
Yes, the unelected corporate appointee who deposes the elected officials and has absolute power comes at the end of the process not the beginning. Because as we all know, the solution to financial problems in a democracy is less democracy.
"Chairman Tim Lee is a graduate of the Chamber of Commerce's 2004 Leadership Cobb Class and Honorary Commanders program. He serves on the board of the North Georgia State Fair and serves the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia as its appointment to the Advisory Board of the North Central Georgia Law…
Atlanta, the next Detroit. This is part of a deliberate strategy on how to break public worker unions. Saddle a municipality with debt, call in their debt, send in your corporate "overseer" to depose the elected officials, sell off everything. Public pensioners get squat. Repeat in city after city across the US until…
This meme that "liberal men are just as bad as conservative men" is complete bullshit. Liberal websites are far more woman friendly than conservative site are. By a long shot. People like to draw a false equivalence but it just isn't true.
No no no no... THIS is how you eat a watermelon.
744 replies? Well, that escalated quickly. How about we just pay them a living wage and be done with it?
Couch Tuner has the most. Just sayin'.
This is wonderful! I am not creeped out in the least. He has such a beautiful voice. The clown outfit doesn't bother me at all. If he is trying to so some kind of high concept deconstruction of pop icons it's a total fail. The clown outfit doesn't provide some alternate commentary. It's just his shtick, his hook to…
The Teletubbie gif has left me scarred for life.