Noel Hermogenes

So basically you are saying you want to risk hiring “ahead” of plausible business. But with this task cut, your risking other people’s money. This is no different from what happened in 2007, where the laws allowed financial businesses to risk other people’s money without risk to themselves.

ANd not for me and others in Blue states since your tax cut is coming off our backs

Seriously, are you going to hire people specifically because of this tax cut? Don’t you hire more people when there is work to be done?

which is a contract to buy two F-35s

hate to break it to you.... I was the same at 30. Now, in my 40s, I am taking meds for high cholesterol

yeah, but the alcohol should sterilize

Commentator was like “I think he was going after the ball”.

This is the problem: People looking for every possible fault in a candidate. Instead of looking for the best. Is Sanders worse than trump? Hell no! Not even close. trump is the worst president that could have been...and is. I’m a minority. Is this post claiming that what Sanders said was racist? And that is why

Politics is the peace that happens in between wars.

I’d like to start with a joke: it is harder for Osteen to open Lakewood to the needy than a rich man to get into heaven. He’s is both

I wonder.... did the police who arrested this idiot put his hand on top of his head when they put him in the squad car like the trump said not to? hmmmm

Is this really something that’s happening a lot? Is your dad sending you racist emails? If it is, then we are more f’d up than I thought we were.

This is where you are wrong. Standing on your aisle will keep the idiots from the back from charging forward. I stand there so the people in front of me, including the ones not sitting on the aisles get out. It only takes one idiot to agitate everyone.

Most of the commenters are falling into the trap just like the people who were polled. Math is math. If you are given a set of instructions on how to do the math, then all should come up with the same answer. If you think the criteria is wrong, it is not up to you to change the criteria. Just do the math. The meaning

“The vibrations and salt buildup inside of the evaporators led to a few broken pipes. The engines required constant fine-tuning. Leaks were a regular nuisance. A fuel or oil line would break or a gasket would give away. The piping of two of the fuel tanks cracked, which required engineers to weld them back together.”

Since he can’t ban the Muslim, he’s banning their iPad’s.

this happened before. Marcus Schrenker, indicted for finance fraud did the same thing.

1 + 1 is what? I give up...math is so complicated! who knew??!!

Have you ever been to Central Park?

I can tell you all haven’t been to Central Park... talk to me when you do