Noel Hermogenes

Have you ever been to Central Park?

I can tell you all haven’t been to Central Park... talk to me when you do

People like to make analogies. But most reach too far. The internet is no f’ing bridge. It’s not a f’ing train neither. Some people like to compare it to a utility. The difference is, it’s not a necessary one, like water or electricity is.

I’ve been going to central park for years and always thought there must be someway to find out where I am at any given place. I am going just so I can impress some clueless tourist!

Oh good! i am in dire need of a piggy bank.... but now I think I want this one. I don’t need to put the coins in individually. I can just throw them coins at’s automatic!

Unlike most of you I was not giving this man the benefit of anything. What is there to doubt? He is an admitted pussy grabber! He spews racial insults against an American Judge for having Mexican a heritage. He insults Mexican immigrants as rapists...and praise Putin? a killer who murders journalists and political

Not during your period. How ‘bout when your around Trump?

This will start a privacy war between nations. Other nations will ask disclosure for Americans that go to their country. Which of course, Americans will refuse. This just promotes isolationism. This will destroy our global reach and empower China. China now has hold of trade because of trump’s isolationist policies.

Maybe a black woman should play Bannon! Leslie Jones comes to mind

Romney campaign used to type in codes much like this one in twitter to communicate with Super-Pacs....which was ILLEGAL! We should find out if they are doing the same...or worse. They could be communicating with the Russians?

Romney campaign tweeted gibberish code much like this one in his presidential run. It turns out, it was code to communicate with Super-Pacs...which is ILLEGAL! I would find out if this is an attempt to communicate with SUper-Pacs or worse, the Russians.

Without Net Neutrality, it will bring the demise of TWITTER! Twitter does not make any money and now they will have to pay more for the services of the ISP’s! these Anti-net neutrality idiots are so dumb they don’t even know they are bringing their own ends.

mutation or gene transfer.

I used to be a microbiologist.

The only way it would’ve been fair is if all of Trump’s dirt was put out there as well. Like his taxes. His business dealing with Russia. Or maybe even GOP emails and trump campaign emails. I have a feeling they have. And if the Russians did, is this being used for blackmail? This administration is compromised.

Did you vote for Hillary in the general? No? then you brought us trump. who’s the idiot?

Why does he need rescuing? Everyone knows how much New York loves the trumps.

Lets break this down:

Cmon, be honest. Is the United States even a country any more?

This guy’s economic advice boils down to “rising tide’s lift all boats” and “growing the pie”. The guy is a republican more than he’s American.