Noel Hermogenes

Is that Trump Jr on the far side of the table? You expect me to believe that he won’t use what he hears in these meetings to “advantage” the trump business? BS! dady trump may have immunity from criminality. but junior certainly does not! I fully expect for theses aholes to go to jail before this term is over. got played alright. Why did you even go there after all you’ve said? You hate trump and trump hates you! and now, for you to say this just BS! I still remember your “breaking my heart” speech. what a load!

The Nazi’s propagated misinformation. They went even as far to burn books because history did not agree with they’re rhetoric. Guess what’s happening today? The misinformation is there. You have party members outright lying about how things happened (I am not even going to say which party). Don’t think it will not

Isn’t what they’re doing the ultimate life hacking? Don’t get me wrong, I am against it. And I am not sure how far they’re going to take this

Apparently, daily intelligence briefing reports is interfering with Trump’s twitter trolling schedule

the price for TWO is $1.6 billion...considering that these are flying White Houses and NORAD’s combined. Now trump can say, when the true numbers come out, that he just lowered the price tag from $4 billion to $1.6 billion. Just like he took credit for saving 1,000 carrier jobs when in fact, he lost more than 1,000

Remember when russian pilots were buzzing US ships in the mediterranean? they dont look so hot now, do they?

“Madman” appoints “mad dog” for Secretary of Defense. It’s enough to get you mad!

Dude, no one would notice a guy carrying an 86 pound bucket of gold leaf if he were wearing a clown suit, ok?

Yeah....he would rather die than see trump as president

Hey James, Don’t let the door hit you on the way out...I’ll kick it once you’re on the other side

Manhattan? The country

I have been saying this for a while now. Finally! You guys are on board. Snowden doesn’t seem to understand that people make technology...not the other way around. And that not all technology is good or used to do good. It is up to “people”, who in turn make policy, to ensure (as much as possible) that technologies

Brexit, middle-east, South-East Asia... America does not have the monopoly on this. The painful truth is when the forest has been slashed and burned, the worst is the one who survives.

These two should be arrested. There is a reason why it’s a no one can see what you are doing. You would think this would be common sense. I don’t think they know what they’re doing. They had to look at they’re spouses on how to do it. Sad thing is, Melania isn’t even from here!

one word.... “Birther”

This is BS... why would you believe anything from what the Russians say? They still deny that it was their soldiers that ATTACKED Crimea.

It’s probably a ploy to hold more westerners hostage and put them in jail for espionage. Then barter them in some random political exchange.

Is it just me, or is wikileaks leaning Republican?

After reading your want to know the real reason?