Noel Hermogenes

Yeah, but the Bothans are from the “grass” species...can’t really kill ‘em .

I saw this yesterday. I was perplexed by how the American was smoked on the downhill. One minute they were close and a minute later she was gone.....when I knew the men were wiping out on the same downhill curves the day before. The american was also known for being the best in hills....not so good in flats (I guess, if Tim Tebow resurrects his NFL career? That would be a miracle!

So you are the one making the’ve already made up your mind. The point of this article was there was a source from “the Register” that: “that it disappeared because someone, possibly city police, seized Reynolds’ phone and used it to remove the video from her Facebook account.” So if you’ve already

But according to you allegations are not facts. It doesn’t mean it will not be factual. So, lets investigate and see why that video was deleted. Nobody on the thread made the assumption that this was fact. It seems you are making the assumption that this didn’t happen BEFORE it is investigated.... “assuming” that

allegations are allegations. and facts are facts. But for you to say that allegations are not facts is not factual. If that were true, then there will be no point in making any allegations because, as you say, they are not facts and will not be admitted in the courts.

Lesson: Never follow trailers, ESPECIALLY on a motorcycle. First, you cant see beyond the trailer that’s in front of you. Can’t see potholes or garbage that’s on the road. Second, that loose roll of foam or any garbage that trailer is carrying can fall off. Third, trailer drivers can’t see directly behind them. If

Of course it’s Disgusting! you didn’t put ketchup on it!

don’t know where you’re from... but not everyone here is driving 7 liter-engine cars. Not even in the 70's. We’ll just have to agree to disagree about the facts.

“Why? Because the public wanted affordable transportation that got them places and dont give a shit about anything else.”

Now that we have a “Goblin”, we need to figure out how to shoot webs out of our wrists so we can go tarzan around sky scrapers.

I didn’t say NASA was in the business of launching satellites...I think that’s a given. But how much did it cost them to launch satellites in the past OR more importantly, how much is it going to cost them at the present if they were going to do it.

Drones were supposed to replace the A-10 squadrons. I wonder why this is not working out. Is it the 30mm gatling gun? I doubt it.

What are you comparing these prices to? Compared to how much NASA would do it? Compared to how much Russia would do it? How do you know if the numbers are cheap or not?

I was just at a car dealership. My sister bought the car. But the price agreed upon changes when the supervisor writes up the paperwork. Admin fees, taxes, tags etc. Is there anyway of knowing this ahead of time BEFORE the down payment (after the down payment, they pretty much got you)? I asked the sales guy what and

You’re too dumb to know you’ve lost. After weeks of not responding you still don’t know. Give it a few years and you just might get it. Respond to the last post dummy.

yeah....but F-35 would’ve done it stealthy. Not only did this F-16 brag about the good deeds he’s doing, he announced it to all of Scandinavia with a good ‘ol sonic boom!

How much does it cost to buy 365 fake ID’S?......hmmmmmmm?

I’m with you.

A month ago, everyone was so sure it was Cellebrite. Now, they are out of the running. Did the reporters ask Cellebrite if they were the ones who did it to confirm their sources? Something doesn’t smell right. I won’t be surprised if Apple folks did this. Have you noticed Tim Cook and the FBI has been quiet for a