Noel Hermogenes

No point in reading it now. You seem to have laid it out. but can’t defend it. And now, I think it is indefensible.

“Apple asserts it isn’t receiving due process because the judge is ordering them to do something that congress should be the ones to decide and/or order.”

“I also didn’t say that I don’t have an opinion, I said that I don’t have the opinion you seem to think I have. As you’d said you think I’d conceded any notion of a constitutional violation, when in-fact I think the constitutional arguments could be considered valid by the judge.”

“It’s never been repealed but many motions under it have been denied when they exceed the reach of judicial power. This one probably will be, too.”

What ahole! I am a rider myself. This guy is obviously a psycho. Let me guess, he’s still on the job and hiding behind the “blue wall”.

We already went through the amendments didn’t we? And it seems to me you’ve already conceded that their 1st and 5th amendments are not infringed upon. You want to go back there again?

At least you are no longer arguing privacy and the 5th amendment.

your claim of “overly burdening” Apple because customers will stop buying iPhone’s... Apple will have to prove that the “fix” will cause hacking of other iPhones. How can they make this statement when Apple themselves will be making the OS change in their bunker in one machine? That means if it gets out, it’s one of

I did. But I think you already agree that it won’t pass muster.

“No, it doesn’t excuse a criminal or terrorists activity.” is all you needed to say to make my point.

so if they plead the 5th, that only guarantees Apple due process. So, lets go through the process then. The 5th still does not excuse criminal and terrorist activity to hide behind encryption, does it? says “TO” plead the! I can read you know...

Ah! so it seems we agree that there are limits to Freedoms. You are not arguing against losing your freedoms for as long as there is crime or threat to public safety or evidence there of or any of the above. So an absolutist you are not. You do recognize that the Bill of Rights cannot be used as an excuse to infringe

hmmm... Freedom of Speech was never meant to be absolute. If there is evidence of public danger or crime, Freedom of Speech is lost by default. ie “yelling FIRE! at a crowded movie theater” scenario. Freedom of speech can never be an argument when there is crime or evidence of crime ( warrants).

If you are an absolutist, then you are fine with the fact that every terrorist now will use iPhones? ALso, there is no reason why this type of encryption cannot be applied to any other device. Aren’t we making terrorism or any computer crime unprosecutable? or even undetectable? now, if you are arguing privacy, if

The way I understand this, the phone is locked. That’s why you can’t input too many password attempts cuz the hard drive will wipe out with 10 attempts.

Again, regardless of who owns the device (phone, pc, home), if is used in a crime OR sufficient evidence that it is OR sufficient evidence there is danger to the public where it endangers other’s rights (when somebody is hurt or dies, exponential number of rights are violated), then privacy no longer applies. Because

Again, the rhetoric makes things worse. There has to be a reasonable solution to this. The privacy concern is legitimate. But the “ticking-bomb” scenario is too. The FBI, NSA, CIA deals with this stuff everyday and have thwarted attacks because of intelligence. I know, we focus more on their mistakes...and they should

This is where is starts...this is propaganda video for Terminator droids to wipe out humans from the face of the earth!

The corporate headquarters scene was about Old Testament vs New. Bartelby and Loki are Old Testament characters employing their brand of justice in “Our Time”. Smith is setting up the two characters.... who they are and where they came from. They came from a time WHEN God was willing to “deluge” a sinful world. A time