Noel Hermogenes

Does this explain it?

Choosing? don’t think that’s where the comparison ends? Once the ISP’s throttle down broadband speeds to newly defined slower speed... you don’t get to choose, do you? It’s like having the auto manufacturers collude to only sell cars electronically limited to go 65 mph.

But by redefining the term “Broadband” doesn’t it slow down the requirement?

All Republican, huh? Where are the Obama haters who didn’t understand a damned thing about net neutrality who was against net neutrality just because Obama was for it? I am sure they will be for slow internet.

DO not compare a civilian’s actions to that of a cop’s and call it quits. DUMB! Cops know the law more than anyone. They are disciplined more than anyone. They are trained more than anyone. Speeding does not give the cop to run you over. Then to kick you in the chest. then to Have a gun pulled on you. How many cops

You want to know what’s wrong with the entire thing? This civilization is so advanced but found no necessity to invent IP Cameras on the hallways to scatter around their bazzilion-dollar star-killer base, death star or force field base at Endor so they can finally catch an old pirate with a walking carpet run around

What is she selling? I hope it’s not that hoverboard.

The older one is fatter

What engine takes an over-sized turbo that big? I am thinking a ship engine?

You Obama haters have a better plan? what happens after you get rid of Asad? another power vacuum that we need to clean up? Before you start hatin’, I suggest you sign-up . We need folks like you to clean up all the IED’s that ISIS left behind.

But why did OPEC increase production? Bcuz they are trying to lower prices to the point that American production is no longer viable. It costs around $70 per barrel for North Dakota to pull oil from shale. It costs about $30 for drillers in America to make it viable. The point is, America has been drilling, shaling,

Wasn’t the Volkswagen issue discovered because researchers did a study on the diesel engines of Volkswagens?

hmmmmm... no thanks

“Chicken fingers anyone?”

ahh...finally, you are getting it. The point of my contention was the fact that it was excluded meant something...that’s all. The exclusion in itself was making the statement that the VW issue wasn’t that bad. The title itself says “10 Most”.

“obtuse” that must be a big word for you.

“I feel really sad that … someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper. I mean, there’s just so much more to life than that.”

Statistically there are more democrats than republicans. The republicans has stepped up the gerrymanderring of districts. Which means the angry folks get in, and they stay in. The districts are no longer contested in terms of party. They are contested in terms of primary elections. WHich means, the Dems are not the

refuted what? I didn’t see a response? So I’ll ask again. “You don’t think it matters to know the truth? If VW is a sponsor (or has any kind of relationship with Jalopnik), then you should disclose that...and leave it up to the readers to decide if it is influencing your articles or not. This is a standard in

I was thinking the same about you. Do you work for or part of Jalopnik? You are a bit defensive there. But you have not, in anyway, refuted the merits of my arguments. If you don’t want to answer the questions...then, just say you can’t answer them.