Noel Hermogenes

Of course. The Constitution was created FOR the protection of freedoms. If all people were were FREE and there was no force that tramples such freedoms, would there have been a need for the Constitution?

I could be wrong, but I don't think the Snowden leak provided information about the process. This is part of the reason why there was outrage to begin with. Furthermore, the information is stored in ISP servers and can only be accessed by Intelligence Agencies by subpoena, meaning it went through the process.

What if the terrorist is one of our own Citizens?

You are over-reaching in your arguments. No one is talking about torture here ( and the other stuff that's on your post). I condemned the Bush's administrations use of torture.....even if some of them were the most despicable beings that ever walked the earth. BTW, some were tortured and were innocent because of

please.... did we really learn anything from Snowden? Are we so naive to think that the NSA don't spy?

And yet he has a twitter account....

I would have guessed race issues as the #1 most uncomfortable issue to talk about. But I guess it is too uncomfortable to talk about.

Seriously, this is a problem for people?

Did Bin Laden really "hate" America? Was the destruction of America really his goal? I do not think so. I'll tell you why...

Let's be honest about how these contracts are made. The Defense contractor lobby the Generals and congress to buy more than what they need. Of course they all get wined and dined (and other things) while they make up their minds.

where do you find these films?

I don't know who is more un-American..... Republicans who keep saying "NO" just because they hate Obama OR Democrats who have the right plans but refuse to do anything about it.Funny thing is, there are more Democrats than there are Republicans. Democrats just don't vote.

it is unclear to me who is calling it "suicide drone". Are the Iranians calling it that or is it everybody else? These seem to be propeller driven. Otherwise, it is no different from a cruise missile.

I am no expert but I always look for the little hairs that come with new tires. If I don't see 'em , I don't buy 'em.

WHat?!! Southwest is not included on the list???!!

It looks like the runway is short. That might be why it needed a slow approach.

does this synch with outlook?

Defense contractors seem to have an unconventional definition of "affordable". Was the space shuttle, F22 Raptor, F35 JSF affordable? I cant remember the last time Defense contractors met their budgets. They should be penalized whenever they go over budget. If they say they can do it for $5 million per launch, then