Noel Hermogenes

Why is Seaworld not considering it? If Tilikum truly wants to be free, then set him free. If he doesn't want that then he will come back.

How does Seaworld train the Orcas? "Blackfish" claims that Tilikum was trained by sticking him in the same "cell" as the females. Then, they didn't feed them. The females will then beat up Tilikum because, somehow, the females know that it is because Tilikum is being disobedient that they are not being fed. Any truth

this law was intended to prohibit copying of software. But most unlock their phones not to copy material from the phone but rather to use another carrier. So, the law is not really arguing that it is illegal to use another carrier, is it? So, if we can only separate the unlocking of a phone from the security of

once the subsidy has been paid by the buyer, shouldn't he be able to do whatever he wants with the phone? It's not the unlocking that is bad, but rather getting off the contract before it is due. And even if I decide to get off the contract before it is due, I am liable for the penalty anyway. So, no matter what, I

For NYC, the payoff is not the rental income but rather the profit from selling the apartment. Price rates of real estate are higher in cities like New York. Your apartment will probably double in value faster than in any other city. You rent out your apartment to pay for the mortgage, maintenance and taxes. But the

Can anyone say "Kursk"?

nothing phases this guy

I saw a documentary that says that the American interstate system was originally designed for the transport of mobile ICBM silos, to counter the Russian rail ICBM's. This will make the missiles difficult to track.

Hit the ground before she got good

"I'm still waiting to get my appointment, ...."

the long flights do. I was just on a flight to and from asia. The long 12-hour flight used the A380 Airbus which had, not only universal outlets, but also USB. The short connecting flights did not have neither.

if you use the helmets inside the cockpit as a guide, you can tell that the people on the ship are just about the same distance as the pilots on the plane.

Does anybody remember the Foxbat, MIG-25? It is the Soviet Mach 3+ Fighter that the U.S. Air Force scared congress into building the very expensive F-15 Eagle with. Is this the same tactic by defense contractors and the Department of Defense to appropriate more money into defense spending?

also, the ship most likely steered into the wind giving the plane more wind speed. This is a known tactic by aircraft carrier crews since the first aircraft carrier.

Do you consider the City of New Orleans or Downtown Manhattan, NYC flood plain areas? Those cities were hit by far less cyclones than Tacloban. The weather patterns have changed. They did not leave for the same reasons New Yorkers didn't. Also, there is the problem of logistics. It is an island. Not like Manhattan

You guys did this piece already. How many times are you going to endorse this? Is this a paid ad? the news lately? Lasers operational on naval ships. that decommissioned jumbo laser jet was a good head-fake, wasn't it?

i am almost sure you can recreate this sound with existing effect/pedals already in the market. There are hundred of different types... reverbs, phasers wahs, delays, fuzz, distortions, loops, flangers, chorus. combine them in different amounts in the hundreds of different permutations and you can create almost every

I heard this from NYC!....... on CNN

If you are working for an inexperienced, under funded U.S. attorney's office, would you prosecute a small time, dime-bag selling, under-funded, dispensary? or prosecute a $100 billion , politically-backed, advocated-by-God-himself defense contractor?