
My Bill Murray story... A friend's wife and her friend are having a quiet lunch on the North Shore (of Chicago) at some posh little bistro or something. They're chatting and eating and sharing a bottle of wine (or two or three) which is really the avocation up there... Anyway they look over and there's BM eating

Also hate when people don't specify Paris, TX or Rome, GA.

I do want to point out that its actually hard to get a restraining order. The father MUST have had some solid evidence that this was in fact happening to get that order in the first place.. Also, The kid is 5.. This is learned behavior.. He learned those words and the meaning of them somewhere.. My first guess is at


Drat! You've uncovered womanity's diabolical plot to take over the world by ousting men first from college and then from the workforce altogether. They're onto us, fellow feminazis! We must devise a new tactic!

I don't understand people that can manage or own businesses and let customers abuse their staff like that. Yes, there is probably a certain amount of ordering around/rudeness that a waitress/service staff can be expected to have to endure from assholes, but calling one of my employees a bitch? ...Thanks, we don't need

I have one! One night, while working as a hostess, I was doing my job and about to sit a party. A group of men in their 30s was leaving the restaurant. I say goodbye to them and thank them for their patronage while starting to lead the other party inside. At this moment, I fell a hand under my dress grab my butt

Do you have support for this claim? I'm curious because I took Lexapro all through my pregnancy (after my doctor assured me it would be safe to take during pregnancy) and no issues with my kid (who is now 10 so something would have manifested by now).

Oh man, I worked for an international medical NGO and one day got a call from Jim Humble himself. He said he had a cure for malaria and wanted to partner with us so he could prove to the world that it worked. He claimed that they had done a trial in Uganda and had a 100% cure rate, but the FDA/Big Pharma were trying


Back in 2011, I started having headaches and vertigo. I was responsible about it. I went to the doctor and told them what was going on. Vertigo runs in the women in my family. My mother and her sister both have terrible spells. The doctor said the headaches were migraines and gave me medicine and gave me a script