
Because HE can.

Hey, if it's pathetic for you, then it's worse for me, because I was excited…


Wow, did I say 2003?

It used to be altogether. What you should be left with is an unusable file bit that you just discard, but they may have changed that. Either way, it will stop.

Holy crap.

The word 'reality' has been compromised since 2003 when it got bonded to the word 'television' with the advent of MTV's "The Real World".

Wait, WHAT?!

Just hit the 'Esc' key. That should stop it.

Hey, politics is politics.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

People seem to be forgetting that Donald Trump is not the first 'celebrity' to enter politics. There's been Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jesse Ventura, Al Franken, Jerry Springer and many others (with varying degrees of capability) including the 40th President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan.

Well alright then!

I hear you and I agree. Comicbook (superhero) stories from the sixties and seventies (and some of the eighties) told really compelling, exciting and amusing stories (and usually all in the same book) without being weighed down by the constraints of REALITY.

I thought you called me.

Where am I wrong? If you look closely at a lot of the episodes of "Batman: The Animated Series", you'll find that a large majority of them are O'Neil/Adams stories.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

Exactly. The Pew52 is now right where it should be. In the trash bin.
