
Please, let's NOT call it the 'Shyamaverse'.

Waitaminute! Can't Willis's character, David Dunn, be killed by water ALSO!!!

You were wrong.

We all have our opinions. It looked like an exquisite ballet of violence to me. I'm not saying that that makes it a good movie.

But it is beautiful.

Sounds to me like certain companies need to have a civil suit brought against them for endangering the livelihoods of innocent, law-abiding weed retailers.

Step No. 5: If you find yourself having to go to court because you have been falsely accused > wink, wink < of sexual assault, make sure you pretend as though you are blind, walk very slowly as if you are 100 years old, make sure to always have someone supporting you lest you fall > wink, wink < and occasionally,

I briefly met Bill Cosby about thirty years ago.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

We have a winner!!!!

What is truly amazing is how the 1986, "The Transformers: The Movie", doesn't just hold up (more or less), it gets everything right that even the Bay films, combined, can't do.

That's a question that has haunted me for years. I can't possibly imagine how drunk or high I would have to be to willingly pay for and watch these movies.

"Michael Bay’s Transformers series now stretches to five films (some of them fun, some lugubrious) and almost 13 hours of screen time, yet so many questions remain unanswered."

Rest in Peace, Mister West.

> sigh <
Thank you internet, for showing us just how dumb…

I don't understand why? He isn't paying either.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!

As long as it is CLEARLY MARKED on the case which one is which, they can waste their time with that $#!t all they want.

"Tia Mowry is still trying to make a Sister, Sister revival happen"

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!! Whoooooo! Those creationists.