
Yeah, that's because the New52 barely touched Batman and his related stories.

To me, it always seems that the people complaining about Batman being too dark are the ones who don't really care about superheroes one way or another.

You mean, if BvS was GOOD. The script was pure garbage, period.


Thank you for that.

I will admit that I was feeling meh about "Split"…

Keep in mind, the reason some may call it the best of Shyamalan's movies (which I don't agree with despite being the superhero lover that I am) is that this was a superhero movie, made before this current deluge/renaissance of fantastic, colorfully dressed beings, took over the cinemas.

They were.

So far.

For how long? Canada may be next.

That was creepily hilarious! Well done sir.


Boom! There it is.

Yes, BECAUSE it wasn't a TV show.
Plus, despite whatever Edgar Wright's original storyline was, Disney/Marvel already had a particular direction planned out for their pint-sized hero…

Funny, I object to this scene because it looks too silly. For it to work, there would need to be a bucket full of gore spewing from Plutt’s socket and some spiraling onto the table. Granted, I know all of that would be put in during post, but forget it, it would never happen.

There's 'pulpy hammy fun' and then there's GOOD 'pulpy hammy fun'.
A show like "Banshee", is the good stuff. "Into the Badlands", not so much.
The fight sequences are phenomenal, but I shouldn't have to fight to stay awake between them.

Unless they're at the same time.

"Into The Badlands" is still on?!

Wait, "Fargo" isn't coming out until April?!! Damn, I thought it was February!

Alex, I have to agree with you on almost everything that you've said about this episode. This one made me feel very optimistic about the future of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."