
Annnnnnnnd I still don't care.

First, your title seems so innuendo laden.

Quite true.

The ending to "The Killing Joke" is what ruined it for me. Batman laughing like a moron with Joker, after everything he did.

Your version of Batman is what Superman should have been (minus the camp) in 2013's "Man of Steel". "…[A]n upstanding and uncompromisingly virtuous hero who has the respect of all around him…", which Batman IS,but scarier (and I know I'm stirring up a hornet's nest, but Batman doesn't/shouldn't kill).

Out of curiosity, did you ever read the comicbooks?

The S&M sexiness is seriously played down in that image on the cup.

I love what Adam West did and will always do with/for Batman, but…

It would have been nice to have seen a third Batman movie with Michael Keaton AND Tim Burton directing, because I thought that "Batman Returns" was much better than "Batman" and that things could only get better.

STAM IT! Cut that noise out!


In his film to be,"The Last Photograph", suppose they replace the male reporter with a female and we suspect that the special ops soldier's unit was killed by a being with immense power…

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! He will never live that down.

Or to put it in as least words as possible, he's out.

Keep your heads low people, 2016 still has a few weeks to go…

Well, duh.

Ha, called it. But, you could see how bad it was going to be from the trailer.

A Chinese jet pilot?!

They may be able to carry it off (the Han Solo movie) if they keep it like a road-trip movie.

Are you serious?