
You are being kind.

I think you mean macaroons.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Exactly!

My fault. I didn't mean minute detail like the intricate weave in the material of Spider-man's or Superman's costumes.

Did you not see the cartoon version of Red Tornado at the top of the screen?

Bravo for just mentioning 'Ma Hunkel!

This is by no means a budgetary issue.

80's?! You're late by 30 decades. That is classic 50's shyte.

For the love of christ, was the costume designer having shellfish fever dreams?

Still, a tad too convenient.

Yeah, but where was he coming from? He seemed as if he hadn't A CLUE as to anything happening anywhere! He must have been popping some pills himself before he took off on his car ride.

That's right! I almost forgot about Travis's truck being absolutely pristine after six(?) hours of being in the middle of a riot, where tipping vehicles and lighting them on fire seems to be 50% of the deal.

"…Travis will put everyone in dangerous situations by repeatedly telling zombies, “You’re sick,” and then being attacked by them…"

Thanks to his mom, that functionality is going to wane real soon.

Only because someone didn't get a chance to kill him.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Don't worry, his mother will resupply him.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Hilarious

Prove it.

I tend to think of myself as more of a realist.