

Yep. Bath salts.

Remember the guy in Florida, a few years ago, who was eating the face of some homeless man?

Basically, it's the difference between good writing and bull$#!T.

You do know that zombies will be the least of your troubles right?

Maybe they were cheaper.

Yeah! That should keep her from not wanting to run back to him.

Yeah, I used up about 13 comments worth.

You know, it's been a bit of a running joke about "The Walking Dead" not being allowed to have more than 1 or 2 black guys survive at a time, but…

The whole time watching, I was wondering, why does he have that thing on his head, but the story would draw me in and I wouldn't think much of it until the start of a new chapter. Then boom, It just made so much crazy sense.

I almost agree with you but, this is one of those things that should remain a fond memory…

I stumbled across this by accident this evening.

I was trying to write in sooner but, I had my hands full with work.

Your comparisons are absolutely beautiful and on point.

For 'fill', that's all. They needed to drag out a show that, by all rights, should have been a 2-2.5 hour long movie, to 13 one hour TV episodes.

And yet, she Googled the hell out of Henry. Script problem.

But, you're supposed to always lead with your best foot forward. If this was that…

Ha, maybe if the pilot was an hour long.

Dead TV show walking.

Yeah, short gloves. As he's pulling his arms out of her chest, you can see his bare wrists.