

You forget, "The internet is broken".
Imagine trying to upload 30+ seconds of video at dial-up speed, if at all. Then, hoping that people can get it and run it.

Capullo de rosa…

If I could give more than one upvote for that, I would gladly.

It's a horror to watch. Good luck to you. After next week, I'm done.

Yes. My only regret is that she didn't get smacked across the room first.

I can understand questioning an exploding CDC building, but that's just one thing in an entire season. As for T-Dog, I have no idea what you mean.

Shhhh, they're hoping no one noticed.

Are you going to watch it past this season?

The "American Horror Story" commercials have been quite entertaining, in retrospect.

Makeup and set design are a good third of what you need for a good program!

Maybe at the last second, the makeup person got sick, so craft services decided to come to the rescue?

There has not been anytime that could be considered a good time to chime in.

Wow. Thank you for that. Your comment was probably the best thing to come out of watching this week's mess.

Drawing the Palmer character out like that just shows, either this entire season should have been a 2-hour movie or the writers are horrible at fill.

Okay, just stop right there.

I had thought that too, and I don't mind filling in the details for murky spots in some shows, but for THIS show, you doing that should get you a writer's credit.

Dolla', dolla' bill ya'll.

It's a movie about the WNBA, except the sci-fi part is, people care.

Ms. Ferguson, if you are not, you should be a lawyer because I love how you defend this show, despite the fact that it is a lost cause.