
Where's Zack and your mom? You know, they had this weird look on their faces when we came back and…

First, the things that jumped out at me:

Wait, are you saying that THIS SHOW is better than "The Walking Dead"?!

Truthfully, that broadcast was a waste. If, at 2:00 in the morning, that broadcast happened, I'd say it was an elaborate, yet vague, horror movie advertisement..

You are so absolutely right about that one.

And they actually have the time to mention whether or not they've seen her.

You're pretty much saying what I'm saying. It's not about how you would react to them if you were all in the same realm. It's how you react to them, viewed through the safety of your TV screen.

Sorry, let me clarify.

Like I said earlier, he looks like Krusty the Clown.

I think we have a winner.

I was going to comment on that, but like you said, "…real life killers get their victim's blood all over them ALL OF THE TIME and yet it almost never happens on this show because if it did, then the heroes would be infected.", so I just let it slide. Just another ridiculous aspect of this show to make you ask, why or

Also, being that there are 150 billion vampires down there, shouldn't they be able to crawl through that hole like it's nothing?

You know, you're right. I bet that they could have saved a lot of money and hired one of those "Face-Off" cast-offs to do some better prosthetics for them.

True, if I saw that in front of me in the dark, I'd surely crap myself, but you are missing the point. We are not players in this story, we are observers and as I watch this program I'm seeing a supposedly terrifying creature that is making me roll my eyes.
Practical effects versus CGI isn't the issue. The issue is,

First, let me just say that the only person that I have to blame for me watching this $#!t, is me. I complain, but it is my own fault.

"It's not like they're musicians…"

Maybe one day i'll see it as such, as I peruse Netflix's 'cult' section, many years from now. But right now, it's just a waste of time.

Oh, here's something else that bothered me. How the hell did Eph get into Setrakian's multi-locked 'Batcave' without someone opening things up for him? Minor, but still annoying.

It just occurred to me. The Master looks a little like The Grinch, especially the live-action one.

I don't know if it works like this in the book, but the mere fact that they somehow accidentally end up working with the person responsible for crashing the communications systems, in a city as large as New York, is beyond ridiculous.