The best part about the Buffalo win is that it increases the odds of seeing Pissy Selection Sunday Jim Boeheim complain about 18-14 Syracuse getting left out of the tournament.
The best part about the Buffalo win is that it increases the odds of seeing Pissy Selection Sunday Jim Boeheim complain about 18-14 Syracuse getting left out of the tournament.
“You tell ‘em, Bob.”
- Donald Fagen and Walter Becker as they earn their residuals:
They’re getting the fuck out of the dugout since apparently that’s where the jackass is aiming with the bat flip.
Morons. They were playing Kentucky.
as an alumni, I can tell you we prefer St. BonerAdventure
Incidentally, Speed 3 is also what the bus driver was on.
Hopefully he didn’t go out and celebrate in a Kane/Buffalo way last night. If so, we should be hearing from the cops shortly
I’m sure you’re joking. But I recently discovered that there truly IS a Zubaz store. And it’s in the Niagara Falls outlet mall. God, I love WNY.
As a Buffalo Sports fan, I’m amazed there isn’t a specific official sponsor for grief counseling services.
My drunk fat ass can get on DCFC while MLS players range being just good enough to earn a paycheck (guys on the fringes or “loaned” to USL or NASL teams) to being able to play in just about any league in the world (Sebastien Giovinco, Nicolas Lodeiro, etc.). There’s a reason why NPSL isn’t an official tier of the…
The Folding Table Emporium and Zubaz Outlet.
Is there any Buffalo sports sponsor more appropriate than Outlet Liquor
in one email he wrote, “Unless it’s a knighthood fuck off”
White people ended slavery like Trump ended the birther controversy - by ceasing to perpetuate it.
His name is Jason Pierre Paw.
LIRR has the most extensive service of any US commuter rail agency. There’s no excuse for not taking the train to Barclays.
Barclays pays the Islanders a lump sum of $53.5 million each year in exchange for the rights to the business side of operations, meaning that the arena keeps the money for ticket sales, concessions, and sponsorships
The most fun thing about going through this shit constantly as a fan is literally everyone else in hockey fandom fucking celebrating it.
Let’s not obfuscate here, the trip from Long Island is pretty easy.
However, the absolute lack of any promotion for the Islanders in the city is puzzling. I’m a 15 minute walk from Barclay’s and I often forget the team even plays there.