He has not received his updated programming yet haha. But as hilarious as this is I don’t think this is news.
He has not received his updated programming yet haha. But as hilarious as this is I don’t think this is news.
There are so many reasons to disbelieve Blasey I cant really give her the time of day. Fun fact: her father Mr. Blasey worked for dish so she has ties to deep swamp.
I know one was fired for launching personal attacks at the fanbase who were merely trying to inform them that discriminating based on sex is inderd sexist. The most egregious i saw was when he told a female poster to “f*k off and orca somewhere else” (? It was something like that?). Anyway you cant talk to customers…
The uranium one story is more believable than the russian collusion conspiracy theory. Intelligent people do their own research that’s why intelligent people dont believe the media hype. But average people cant be bothered and some actually prefer the division.
Fact: guns are used to prevent or stop crimes 600000-2000000 times a year.
The US very foundation was built on the bones of millions and millions of native americans (I always call myself indian). Them and a long line of explorers, immigrants, and Patriots gave their blood for this nation in the name of liberty. Everything this nation does will be colored by their blood. They died so this…