No desire to create BS name here

I honestly know nothing about Colorado. I just feel like a Croc-wearing lesbian being discriminated against at her Whole Foods job is a very “Colorado” problem. I am 100% positive this has never happened in the dim backwater of Culpeper, Virginia, which is where I live.

Disclaimer: workplace discrimination based on

I’m maintaining the same streak with the help of the cargo shorts/Crocs twosie.

I knew it was Boulder, Colorado. This is the most Boulder CO shit I have ever read in my life.

I’m just glad she learned this lesson for a disease like rotavirus instead of something more dangerous or more likely to have long term effects!

Well it’s a shame it took her whole family getting sick but it’s refreshing to hear an anti-vaxxer say “I was wrong, I was batshit, I’ve since researched and have changed my mind”.

She asked me what “internet” I was on, and I told her it was Jez. She said, “I will be Jezebel’s grandmother tonight.” lol she’s the best <3

It does.

HA! About six months ago my brother was at the house doing some work when my young son runs into the room with my pink vibrator rubbing it against his cheek, going “this feels great”! I screamed and it was so confusing (for son) and so fucking awkward for brother. DIED.

Once my husband and I were having what I would consider very quiet sex (we have an old house and you can hear everything) when we heard our five year old go into the bathroom. We froze, heard the toilet flush and listened to him head back down the hall, but as he passed our room he paused and said, “Daddy, tell Mommy

When I was a kid I found KY jelly in my mom’s nightstand. I read the label, and one of its suggested uses was that it could be used for tampons. I convinced myself well into my late teens that that’s what she must have had it for... despite it being in a nightstand, and despite my mom not using tampons.


Only if there was nothing going on. If there was something, you followed your gut. Trust me when I say I regret not following my gut. Our whole relationship he just sort of made me feel like I was the crazy one for not trusting him but I was right. I couldn’t trust him. I’m married now to someone I have never not

I wouldn’t believe any of that either. Take care of you!

If you can afford it, I would also suggest relationship counseling. Whether or not something actually happened, an equally large issue is that his response to a disagreement is to try to make you feel like a crazy person. It isn’t healthy, and should be addressed in addition to the text messages/potential emotional

Yes. Shady. I would be needing answers. Did you want to see the texts? How has the conversation been with him about it since? Sorry you are going through this, but glad you are not in the dark any longer. Knowledge is power. Texting a woman regularly is something you have the right to know about.

Don’t let him nail you to that cross. You did nothing. HE is the one who (probably) cheated, and definitely lied. I have to say, an innocent guy would have handed over the phone. This is as convincing as a 5 year old saying they don’t know how the lamp got broken.

There’s a lot of apps that can be downloaded onto your husband’s something like cheating spouse phone software.

I think you are right to be suspicious.... My ex was doing the same texting thing and also driving her to work because she was afraid to drive in the snow....and coming home way later than he should have or said he would. I was devastated when he finally stopped gaslighting me and confessed that yes he was cheating

I”m sorry this is happening. Hugs.

I think the important thing to stress is the secretiveness. I say this as someone who has been extensively cheated on but in much less commitment-y situations. I’m in a 5 year relationship and I avoid snooping like the plague. I think what you need to do is ask him honestly if he deleted the messages because they were