
Hah, yeah... I’m a software developer, so I can fully understand their issues on a huge traffic day like this, but “working to resolve this issue” provides little solace when I’m looking at an 89% claimed lightning deal that keeps responding with “Failed to add to cart.”

That said, as I mentioned, adding to a wishlist

Hah, yeah... I’m a software developer, so I can fully understand their issues on a huge traffic day like this, but

I was having the same problem earlier when trying to add to the cart directly from the product page. Try adding the item to a list first and then adding it from there; it’s been working for me.

I was having the same problem earlier when trying to add to the cart directly from the product page. Try adding the

Nope, at least, not as I understand it anyway.... Just read an article about this the other day actually. They exclusively own rights to do anything with the MCUniverse IPs, which obviously does not give them Spider-man or the X-Men (including Deadpool), and likely will not for a loooong time (if ever.)

They also do

Well, remove the vehicles and the game isn’t too far off of that in terms of gameplay really. Hell, you could easily make levels like that in the ToyBox mode too. Granted, there’s no X-Men, but there’s no shortage of Marvel characters....

Not a chance. The toys are based on either Disney owned movies or TV shows, not comics. They got away with Spider-man by basing it on the Ultimate SM TV show, but they have no hold over X-Men or Deadpool.

Besides, they would never create anything based on a rated R movie...

It’s not a they, it’s a he. Just saying, credit where it’s due; these are the singular creations of one dude, who is clearly a very talented 3D modeler.

Well, seeing as how the X-Men are just 3D models (I don’t say that dismissively as if they aren’t gorgeous works, just that they aren’t “real”)... So, I would have to assume he sculpted a 3D model of Deadpool, broke it up into parts and then had them 3D printed.

There are companies that will produce anything you can

Scale was definitely a factor, but licensing was a big part of the problem too. Like, from what I’ve read, they had initially only wanted to make Groot and Rocket, but were forced to create the entire Guardians line, when it was painfully obvious they were going to take a bath on figures like Yondu.

I also heard that

Nothing is being revealed, they are just (amazingly well done) custom-made fan figures.

Thing is, it’s not really about whether or not they were Toys-To-Life as opposed to just stand-alone “toys”... The first Infinity release did very well financially, and 2.0 was apparently dominating the other T2L games on the market.

It was more that the licensing deals of 2.0/3.0 forced them to make characters nobody

Ah yes, game developers are “getting greedier”... I’m sure this will fall on deaf ears, but I feel compelled to refute this ridiculous claim every time I see it.

Retail AAA game prices are the cheapest they have ever been in the history of gaming (including inflation), while game scope, dev costs, and the team sizes

Just could not possibly agree more. I can tolerate about 5 seconds of that kind of thing before I start skipping through or just shut the video down all together. It always just feels painful to watch, super-pandering and wildly grasping at finding uniqueness.

Angry Joe is the super-example to me. I really like what

I’m more surprised that people still want them than I am how few of them there actually are.

It was a much different landscape when we had nothing but EGM reviews to go on... Throwing a free demo disk into your system and playing was obviously worth a go back then. But now... between the time it takes to download it,

I wouldn’t exactly say it’s the same as going from B&W to color, but it is VERY similar to the 3D gaming “fad” in multiple respects. Most importantly is just the (ignorant) public perception... Just like 3D gaming (which can be AWESOME), the main problem with VR is that people are basing their opinion on what they

I keep hearing this same mantra from reviewers (and some devs) about how walking around in VR is a big turn-off/ problem, and I not only don’t find that to be in any way true, it’s a huge downer since it is exactly what I want...

Gear & Google VR have LOTS of FPS type experiences where you’re walking around, and the

I’ve played flying and racing games quite a bit in my home-brew VR. While they are certainly the smoothest genre to port to the hardware, it’s still hampered by the same problems and use-case questions everything else is... It obviously boosts the immersion level, and it’s a fun novelty to look out your window at the

That mini-cabinet is gorgeous, but otherwise, this is an insane purchase... 20 years ago maybe, but with the amount of options for doing this stuff now, this is just absurdly overpriced. You could get the outstanding Shield Tablet for $200 and do everything this does and more, plus take it with you wherever you go.

Not sure why it is “disturbing” to you, but I think you get a somewhat slanted view just looking at articles/photos like this regardless... These are glamour shots, not impromptu pictures. Of course photographers and websites will both focus on the racier/more revealing stuff because it will generate more

Interesting. I may just be somewhat desensitized as I’ve been messing with homebrew VR for over a decade, but even in the beginning I don’t recall ever getting sick simply from the side-to-side motion of FP games...

I’ve definitely had it happen on Gear VR/Google Cardboard when something isn’t running well though, so

I dunno, I’ve played my fair share of First person games in VR, including Quake and whatnot... All of them allow you to move in a different direction than you are looking, and none have made me sick. I would lean more towards the frames dropping than anything. That is the only thing that ever makes me nauseous.