American Kinja Warrior

Hellcat-powered 2CV (Duex Cheveux “Le Chat Démon”) confirmed for 2023.

I use this line way more than anybody needs to hear it.

Asteroids are always moving, and their movements often overlap with unrelated asteroids. So instead of mapping things by physical location, they map parameters like major axis, inclination, eccentricity, and ascending node. That produces a scatterplot where some clusters become visible that were not obvious if you

The answer to the question of “why do they have the contestants stack pies?” can be best answered by the question “why do they then make the contestants carry them?

I kind of teared-up a little bit when I saw the ties. 

And what’s great too about Dracula’s grief is how his own motives are completely at odds with those of his generals. His generals see this war as a way to bring humanity to heel, to make them subservient to them - they’re even looking at the notion of sustainably treating humans as livestock.

The most classic rock is igneous.

My in-laws got my wife and I an anniversary card for our 4th last week. It was a card for a lesbian couple featuring an illustration of a loving, lesbian relationship. Really had a beautiful message though. Turns out my father-in-law got it at Fleet Farm (this is in the Midwest obviously) as he was directed by his

“This will be the best quarter back they’ve seen all year.”

Wait... do we still call it a typo when it’s handwritten? What were such errors referred to as before the advent of typing? If Jefferson fucked up on the Declaration of Independence did he call it a writo? And if he didn’t, shouldn’t he have?

The manifestation of Death in the FD films seems like he’d be okay with turning 50% of the world’s population into “invincible” quadriplegics and/or vegetables.

Tacko Bruiseday

Sit around, children - I’ll tell ye the story of the creation of IRN BRU. One day, a brilliant Scotsman had his first taste of the drink Americans refer to as Mountain Dew. He was later recorded to have remarked, “This is not bad, but I wish it was a bit sweeter and more artificial tasting.” As nothing was available

When my wife and I went on honeymoon—a driving trip of the England & Scotland—one of the things that my wife wanted was to see what Irn-Bru was about.

My wife is not a soda drinker, generally (certainly not compared to me—see my post about Tango below). She is a reader...and it was a plot point in a book, where

I’ve always thought of Denny’s as the quintessential “just okay” place.

“Why don’t we just call it Love & Order?”

“All the words on the paycheck made sense, so."  -Actor guy

Thanks! My targeted Facebook ads will be a mess for weeks but it’s worth it :).

The chafing dish thing is pretty interesting. They’ve got a long history of use by people without access to full kitchen, staff or much in the way of kitchen skills. And a particular association with “bachelor food”.

Isn’t he too short to be a Universe Warrior?