He’s a b-boy, standing in his b-boy stance, hurry up and give him the microphone before he busts in his pants.
He’s a b-boy, standing in his b-boy stance, hurry up and give him the microphone before he busts in his pants.
Who is amber rose?......Who are you? Who is that houseplant? Who is a chair?
Celebrity bicycle.
Seriously. Amber Rose flies commercial? I mean how is that even possible with how many albums she’s sol....the gross of her last big movi...the ratings on her hit TV sh...
Close to none, because STIs are no joke.
Damn, man. If you’re gonna cheat, at least use a condom! Or better yet, don't cheat at all.
I’m at work and I’m crying.
You don’t know the emotional powers of Big Bird until you YouTube “Big Bird Jim Henson funeral” and then you don’t know if you’ll ever be that sad/touched ever again.
The story is devastating but I laughed a lot at this comment
Jon Stewart is probably better at sports than you. Hell, homey was a D-1 college soccer player. You play any D-1 scholarship ball in any sport? He’s smarter than you, more athletic than you and most assuredly more financially comfortable than you. Maybe you should just stfu.
“It’s apparent she thinks Chris is her husband, which is why she spray painted ‘Mrs. Brown’ on his cars and in his house,” TMZ reports.
AMA: I cried at work.
Instead, you should upload your consciousness into a bot body and "get with the program".
"Well, I didn't die!" is generally a poor basis for social policy.