
Nope. Nope. The man in charge of determining the truth blatantly lied under oath.

Resign. Resign is the word you were looking for.

How many times do I have to say it? BMW turn signals work fine and get used all the time, they just flash in colors that the peasants can’t perceive.

He also said he wasn’t a racist!

It’s nice to see your political views don’t prevent you being offended by the banal exploitation of the patriotic blood sacrifice of an American.

Why are so many people just blatant assholes?

Cue 10,000 comments about 1st amendment rights and punishing people because they have different opinions, while completely ignoring the fact those opinions are those held by unrepentant assholes (at best) raging shitstain bigots (at worst)

We should be less worried about who Maker Studios is firing and more with the ones they aren’t, namely Jontron. After all, he recently went on a twitter rant about how much he hates the Women’s March, BLM, and feminism in general as well as doing an interview for the right-wing propaganda website Breitbart about how

That’s what I was going to ask. “I would never.” Yes. Yes you would. You did.

DeVos went on to express nostalgia for “nearly full employment of the antebellum plantation system.”

“at the drive-in are well old” the drive in is an old band...reunited

Omg, can this guy ever STOP WHINING? Every. Fucking. Day. We have to listen to how unfair the. whole. damn. world. is to him. Donny boy, IF YOU STOP TALKING MAYBE YOUR APPROVAL RATING WILL GO UP A POINT OR TWO.

He doesn’t know what shame means either.

You know what? Fuck those commenters.

The difference is: being funny.

Even the Joker hates Nazis, kids!

ya dumb

If the most persuasive argument you can make for your speech is that you are legally allowed to say it then maybe you should reconsider your point of view.

Once again, the Freedoms of Speech and Association (gathering in protest) are protections against government actors. They do not protect you from your job firing you for dumbass opinions or having a counter protestor Stinger Splash your ass because your flag, that represents a bunch of racist traitors, pisses him off.