yeah, like, i find it extremely disempowering to think of MY WOMB AS HOME TO THE DIVINE lol, that sounds awful
yeah, like, i find it extremely disempowering to think of MY WOMB AS HOME TO THE DIVINE lol, that sounds awful
Because you agree to their 'Terms & Conditions' that allow them to remove you from one of their jets if they choose. It's Southwest's plane... they have the right to choose who gets on as long as they're conforming to Federal laws.
personally I wouldn't care about the word "fuck" on a tshirt, but I do think that an airline has the right to enforce a reasonable dress code because the staff and the passengers have no choice but to be in close proximity to that person. It's not like they can leave the airplane or even change seats. When you buy a…
Airline tickets are contracts of adhesion. That means the airlines get to make up any rules they want, and if you want to fly, you follow them. Don't want a body cavity search? Fly someone else. Want an actual meal? Fly someone else. Want to carry on your 100 pounds of motorcycle tires? Fly someone else. Want to get…
And now that you've stopped being "cool" you're really fun right?
Actually, if you read the whole piece, only 8 of the team's 46 members were even at the party (the others were away playing a game), the party wasn't an official team event, and the way they've been characterized by the administration isn't exactly reflective of the reality, which is much more complicated than "SPORTS…
Yeah! Hell, why not just shoot him from the patrol car? THAT would put an end to it!
Is Poop still something you might put out?
Actually, according to one "finalist", the headline should really be "A cosplayer is one of 100 people who have been scammed out of more money than the other 199,900 people who applied."
It's been a trend in a certain area of illustration for a number of years. I hate to say "hipster" because it's usually meaningless, but this time it's bang on. The Venn diagram of artists who are under-30, liked anime, and read Pitchfork contains a union which has either dabbled in or flirted with the idea of drawing…
This. Not to mention the fact that anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists aren't necessarily all in sync with the "we evolved to be polyamorous" theory. There are a few different schools of thought that say a few different things.
Don't forget the condescending nature of that idea, which is that people who aren't poly are either in denial or less "evolved."
No, it's evangelizing. If you've never been told by a poly person that they pity how square and vanilla you are and really monogamy just isn't natural (and hey all the cool kids are doing it), you're a luckier person than me. I mean, yes, it's an orientation that still is faced with a tremendous amount of prejudice…
It's very nice that you found an environment in which you are happy, but I do wish people would stop deferring to evolution every single time. The people who write books and push the idea that humans "evolved" or "didn't evolve" to be monogamous or play football or drive a Toyota Cressida do so with very flimsy…
Your school is an exception, not the rule.
Hearing Richard Sherman's quote in the clip: He's the NCAA's (and NFL's) worst nightmare. A player talented enough to become a star, and smart enough to know how to use that platform once he gets there.